olive snook

I concur with your assessments of both Tara and Alcide. Amen.

@avclub-826aad531083df9d0c5dbf488a9973c9:disqus I think she has - when she was all dressed up for her "funeral," I thought god, she looks like a corpse already.  Her face is way too gaunt.

When her mom said "Eleanor," my fiance said "wait, that's her name?" and I said, "I don't think that's what people have been calling her.  And if someone would pay me a million dollars to tell me her name, I could not provide it."  So yay, Eleanor/Norrie.  It has been hard to learn your name(s).

OMG.  Why did I not realize this.

Perhaps the perceived injustice of why she was in there contributed to a quicker mental breakdown.  It's one thing to know you messed up, it's another to be dancing one minute and in that cell the next.  Just a thought.

@avclub-3c344051fc101a0f4accd0cee3fd0aae:disqus I definitely thought the "open some windows" line was to convey that Bennett is not quite as quick as one would hope.  He looks so naive here.

@avclub-75948f6fe6a7aa62e1ecc5ae25163e96:disqus oh I was openly sobbing.  In a season filled with moving scenes, that's my #1.

@avclub-873a7cb64ce1166eec79e35c615fb838:disqus slow clap

Agreed, she is far from a weak link.  She sold her role so completely that I think I now hate Taryn Manning by association with the character.

oh man, how did I not realize this???

I think she's my favorite flashback/fully-developed character.

I openly sobbed at that scene in the library between Taystee and Poussey.

seriously, why were they blue even before the Daniel-tragedy?

"Some weeks Sloan is human and some weeks she is not. This was the latter."

Seriously, the idea that he would be allowed to go on air with that hair cut is so unbelievably laughable.


OMG what does that have to do with putting her in a bathing suit coming out of a pool, dripping wet?!?!

feeling bad about it and ruining your life over it are 2 incredibly different things.

low blow!

agreed, but didn't want to upset anyone so I thought I'd ask. especially since Friends was so in the cultural zeitgeist, a lot of the bigger plot points came to non-watchers practically through osmosis