olive snook

ditto - most exciting part of the article, for me at least.

FX's on demand policy is incredibly frustrating for that reason.  I hope their FX Now does away with that practice.  I get postponing a day, but making it impossible to ever catch-up on a series (what if you had a power outage, or your dvr screwed up, and now your screwed for the rest of the season?) isn't a logically

Hahaha really?  Interesting…

Where do I sign up for said contest?!?

I LOVE this episode.  I was sitting here with a big smile on my face reading your take on it, Les.  Group hi-jinks, with this group in particular, are fantastic, and sadly did not get to occur often enough.

Exactly what I was going to say.  Are there better ways to do this?  Yes.  But this is quicker.

Your last sentence amused me so.

I read the review yesterday but didn't get a chance to come back to the comments until today, and I'm so glad I found yours here, because that's exactly what I was going to say.  I would most definitely say that Phoebe actually has the most emotional and deep issues of anyone else, for all the reasons you listed.  Her

Period pieces, like Janie Bryant and whoever does set/prop design on Mad Men, would be particularly interesting. I've read interviews with both before, but I find their jobs so fascinating I would love to read more. Game of Thrones people would also be incredible in this regard.

Seriously. Gold standard.

This was great, thanks for so much new insight on the process!

Well done!

I love that take on it, it hadn't occurred to me.

They have similar haircuts in the prison.  That's all I got for ya.

Boys not wanting her because she wins (or if not that, then…because somehow she's not attractive?  Cause nope, she's gorgeous) was completely ludicrous, I agree.  That was actually my biggest problem with her story and this episode.

I agree that the Daya/Bennett relationship is difficult and doomed, but until I see Bennett exploit that power dynamic, it doesn't get creepy to me.  He seems as surprised as anyone that he has to some extent fallen for her, unsure of how to proceed, and sweet.  It's still a disaster, but it doesn't upset me the way


Oh that's an interesting take on it.  Maybe, though she seemed just as unsure of what to do as Piper did in the pilot when they first arrived.


I think, if this turns out to be your only comment in these Sports Night discussions, you did it proud.