olive snook

Mike, in particular, has become incredibly insufferable. I'm bummed about it, and hope they can turn that around by the end of the summer season.

I have totally used that Tommy Lee Jones quote from MIB more times than I'd like to admit.  It's just a really good (and true, unfortunately!) line.

seriously!  I still can't keep them all straight.

yea looked like they are "setting up" (term used loosely) PTSD-rage issues for Barbie.  I also wondered aloud why he went after that one guy when there were clearly bigger issues back at the store.  I guess that guy hit Barbie in the head with a can, triggering the rage??

wait, seriously?

I think that's exactly why they were so hated at the time.  Looking back at the whole series now, that's far from my biggest grievance with a show I loved and hated, possibly in equal measure.

Agreed - Amy & Fik-Shun trying to do the routines Aaron & Jasmine have been given could be cringe-worthy.

I almost wish he had said that.  There wasn't enough "this is an injustice that Jasmine is here!" from the judges, which they have done for other dancers (like Makenzie) this season.

AGREED 100 million %.  I cringe away every time they say Amy/Fik-Shun are the pair to beat.  I think I'm still baffled that Jasmine was in the bottom 3 this week.

Why didn't they just switch the order of the dances?  I can't believe they made her and Alan go right back out there.

Ah, I didn't make the poetic connection between Curtis and his shoulders.  Great point.

- I have such a girl crush on Anna Kendrick.  She was adorably nervous and fan-girling hard all episode, though I think she could have gone a littttle bit deeper with her critiques.  
- Jasmine in the bottom 3?  What is this I don't even.  Get your act together, America.

That's why I knew her, thanks!

yes, wtf happened to her character?  not to mention Alcide's.

Lee Pace? I'm in.

yea, that's pretty much how I'm feeling about it after my rewatch this week as well.


I was wondering the same and missed your comment before I posted mine.  I'm also wondering if they're waiting for a likely-but-I-hope-not GoT hiatus and slip in American Gods in its place, hoping for a similar demographic and fanbase.

Any mention of their American Gods adaptation?  I wonder if they'll hold it back until they (most likely but I hope not) have to take a GoT hiatus to wait for the 6th book to come out.

So apparently (according to this one random article) that actor, Wyatt Nash, is actually Matt from Survivor Redemption Island under a stage name: