olive snook

Yea I was hoping for a middle-ground resolution: as Louis pointed out, Mike is half-Harvey and half-Louis, so why not spend half of his time doing work for Harvey, half for Louis?  Associates almost always do work for more than one partner, and it would make for some fun petty arguments between Louis and Harvey over

wow I didn't know he had, well deserved.  I do wish he'd return to comedy and see if that could lighten him up personally.

so so true.  I would guess Tucker as well.  I don't think that would necessarily be a bad pairing, as Tucker has more maturity and strength than many others, but I can't see them having the same chemistry as Jasmine & Aaron

BUNHEADSSSS enough with the notifications already, you just keep twisting the knife AV Club!

and The Following!

Looks like it was the same year - 2000 - that Even Stevens started and he was on F&G.  He was definitely like a 6th grader at the beginning of ES, so you're right, it's weird, but ah la clumsy adolescence!

Shia was a great kid actor.  Though I was probably on the older end of the spectrum for the Disney Channel when Even Stephens came out, I enjoyed his manic energy.  I do not similarly appreciate whatever Indy 4 was.

hahaha I know, I sound like a broken record!

too true.  the only reason to keep dance for your life (I think) is in the earlier rounds when we may forget how good someone is in their personal style, because we haven't seen a lot of it on display yet.  As the competition goes on, we get familiar enough that we know what they can do, so it's not as necessary

I missed that too, thanks for the clarification.  Makes more sense why a butterfly could withstand the radiation and why the government thought they could get away with doing it without the American public going apeshit over the use of a nuclear weapon on their own soil.

when the reverend first said "MOAB," my fiance said, "like Mother of All Bombs?!"  color me impressed when that's what it turned out to be.  so obviously it's a term that exists somewhere in public knowledge; my guy is not in the military.

@avclub-27e87cc851baee4401e8eed1d89fa6ba:disqus I, too, thoroughly enjoyed the batshit insanity of Harper's Island.  I think Under the Dome would benefit from going full-Harper's, actually.

lol great point, though the media was there right after the dome went up, before the military came in, so maybe they were able to collect information about who was under there then?  we don't need to figure this out, cause the writers surely didn't.

I don't think I can say enough about the poise and maturity of Jasmine and Aaron when they dance.  I am in serious love with them.  I hope the producers take into account their slightly older age when casting next season.  Just a few more 22 and ups could really add something here.

Bunheaddddsss!  :(  I do see the Melanie resemblance, well spotted.

ugh, worse.  Carly Rae was a huge uncomfortable misstep on that panel.

amen to the group number love!

I agree that they are NOT my "couple to beat" right now.  There is a maturity lacking here that say JASMINE H AND AARON have in spades, and it really makes a difference (to me at least!)

While this week was definitely an improvement, that doesn't mean there weren't way too many laugh-out-loud moments and "come on!'s"

or they could have just renewed Bunheads.