olive snook

Agreed, even after the pilot when I found the show far more promising, I wanted this to be a limited, one-season event.  Wish networks would stop being so greedy and make a decision based on what best services the story.

Right?  He went from trying to literally kill him to working alongside him rather in a span of 12 hours.  Nope.

ah yes, that makes some sense.

Right? He really should have looked into that by now

ditto that

"I’m just relieved Neal is not talking about Bigfoot." - you and me both.
"Another New Yorker loses it." - Sorkin nails the Internet again, this time through totally believable-sounding YouTube video titles!

I….watched til the end too, inexplicably.  I know I shouldn't care, but what exactly did Jane trade for Henry to live?  Her morals?  Her soul?  Why is she down with the evilness now and in to slicked down straight hair?

For sure, what a waste!

Rachael Taylor was far from the biggest problem on this show.  I actually didn't mind her or Henry, it was more the failure to do anything consistent with the mysteries (and good lord, why did the photographer and writer get to have such big story lines?!)

@avclub-ed27b7105d4df2a231c0daf9322f9642:disqus fear not, the show rights itself from there on out!

oh yea, that is true.

and Mr. Pace!

I second Barrel Bear and Russian Bride as being the bottom of the - ahem - barrel for this show.

I've mentioned my love for the Aaron-Jaye duo in the Crime Dog comments, but I must mention it again here.  I might be considered a fangirl for that sibling pairing.

Newsroom has definitely soured me or messed with my memories of a lot of his other work, Sports Night included (though I still love the show).  What am I saying is, I get it.

This is well thought-out.  I don't have anything else to add, but I wanted you to know that.

"I really like it when Friends can bring together the emotional resonance of a scene and the humor behind it; at its best, I think it’s able to deftly switch back and forth between both modes."

Yup, something went very wrong in their decision-making there!

I just read up on the litigation - I'd missed this news somehow.  That is a sad mess.

Loved last week's group routine as well!  The Tasty hate is essentially a throwaway joke at this point.