olive snook

We wouldn't know what we'd missed in the Aaron-Jasmine H. partnering had Emilio not gotten hurt, and while I am sorry for Emilio, it is certainly our gain.  I love these 2 SO. MUCH.

@avclub-1fc4c90c7c2adb18b6b273447d1ee2e9:disqus thanks very much for the info!

OMG hysterectomypants again!

I second this idea.  Maybe not 4 weeks, but at least 2, maybe 3.  Not everyone gets their story told during the auditions and Vegas, and there's still a few brunettes I cannot tell apart this year and we're 2 in.  Giving them all more time to leave an impression is a worthwhile change.

His comments in response to the backlash were very frustrating from what I saw on twitter as well.  It was essentially, "I don't care, and people are going to bitch at me either way, so we're doing what we want to do."  If you're a showrunner of a successful and/or critically-acclaimed drama and your audience doesn't

<blush> thanks!

Oh that's cool!

Casey "We are game day players! Like the gladiators of old! … Ow, papercut.” Dan: “You all right?” Casey: “Yeah, I’ll play through it.”

freshman year of high school we were required to take swim class for 10 weeks.  in the 15 minutes they gave us to get ready after class, the girls definitely showered in a group shower, but we still had our 1 piece bathing suits on.  sorry, fellas.  also, we were 14, gross.


haha yes, they are, but Lindsay's also 16 and she doesn't always do everything right, even when she's trying.  She also doesn't mean to toy with his emotions - I know that's not really an excuse, but it wasn't why she went for the kiss rather than a hug

How fun that you get these reviews on your first time through, I'm jealous.  Glad you're enjoying it so much.

I think it's more about Lindsay's personality and how that relates to Nick's vulnerability here. Todd's observation is really apt: "…she’s a natural comforter and mediator, someone who’s always trying to help others be their best self, but she also doesn’t quite know how to keep from giving too much."

nope! no one!

Oh my, Todd, that poem!  I thoroughly enjoyed 16-year-old emo you.  

@avclub-ae7fa7e0e87733bd122e2239e50e5880:disqus I swear!  Haven't watched it since, but I AM enjoying the AV Club reviews still, so…half-lying?

ah ha, got it, good to know.

I'm pretty sure FOX is one of the networks that waits 8 days to put up episodes (meaning a day after the next one airs).  It's a frustrating process, because it means you're always one behind, but that's how they've decided to play the on demand game for now.

OK thanks.

Remind me: last season did they tell us who was in the bottom at the beginning, then had them all dance, then have the bottom do solos, then make the elimination? Or did it go straight into the week's pairings and all discussion of elimination was at the very end?  There may be a middle ground in there somewhere, but