olive snook

I was very anti-Monk during the first few episodes, then I kinda begrudgingly accepted him, and then after the Skype session I realized I actually looked forward to what he'd say next.  So looks like they've won me over.  It's still insane that she wears him on her arm all day and (presumably) night, and it looks like

It really did feel forced, like "I GUESS we have to do this."

@avclub-b66c43392c7896c53f14cb687e15e464:disqus I was fairly confused by the scene, but your explanation makes sense.

But isn't "Geoffrey" still pronounced "Jeffrey?"  They were definitely saying "Joffrey."

ditto.  I don't need to know right now, but I'd like to know some day what's really going on.

Yea Rikki kinda became the worst last night, I don't think she's making it out of this season alive.

Yes, they seem to have some type of sleeping-during-the-day requirement to their make-up, or they start bleeding from the orifices and progressively become weaker.

haha you're not wrong.  let's pretend we didn't realize this…

Definitely a favorite episode for me.  I love Aaron's fascination with the cow creamer and what it means to Jaye (and how open he is to the possibilities).  Would that we'd had a season 2 for more Jaye and Aaron hijinks!

Ditto everything here!  I can't suppress my smile when I'm watching Lee Pace.

People were complaining in last night's Hannibal review, so it's not just you.

Good on you!  I'm mad at myself for not thinking of doing the same.  I just watched the webisodes on NBC.com, I hope they factored that into their cancellation a little bit!

My college roommate and I would say "got the KEYS?" "GOT THE KEYS!" whenever we left our room together.

"Nana" is significant to me because of that exchange Joe mentions in the review between Monica and her mom ("Do you think things would have been better if you'd told her the truth?" etc).  It informs so much of who Monica is.  I also see more of my mom's and my relationship here than I would care to as I get older,

I just googled it so…no wait, not embarrassed at all :)

So, so true.  Great analysis, particularly that it's something I didn't notice when the show initially aired, but now it's so obviously there.  As others have mentioned on other Sports Night reviews, I wonder if many people's opinions (including my own) of Sorkin's work (particularly the relationship awfulness of The

My goodness does Josh Charles look young in this screencap!  And silly, but that's part of the charm.

I distinctly remember being told the "gallons of saliva" thing as well.  It might have been a gross image, but it was probably fairly effective at getting people over the "I can't be in the same room as someone with AIDS, what if I catch it?" mania (see: Philadelphia) when HIV/AIDS first appeared.  Man, what a mess.

having just watched him in Oz The Great and Powerful last weekend, I can tell you that semi-serious fantasy is NOT Franco's strong suit.  Woof.

oh thanks very much, that must have been it.