olive snook

@google-395e54b0ef784ff83db81cbba961ac56:disqus @avclub-3bb4010246975fa062a7625a249f91a1:disqus I might be misremembering!  We'll see for sure next week.

public complaint from another girl.  The guy who dropped Malece was booted. Maybe Malece is having trust issues because of that?  Cause I didn't pick up their chemistry either I'm afraid.

I stood up during that opening number and actually applauded at my TV screen (with only slight embarrassment) after it ended.  What a fantastic showcase for what this show can do.  After seeing so many of the contestants' personalities shine through that number, I pretty much don't want any of them to go home ever.

Re voting: I tried twice on Fox.com/dance (yes, I vote for this show.  It's the only reality show I've ever done it for!).  It got stuck on the submission page both times and wouldn't go through.  Hope it's not a widespread problem.  Ended up having to text to them all in, blech.

I was thinking last night how a strong part of me wishes that once we hit the top 20 we just get to see these people put on a show each week for 10 weeks or whatever, different choreography, different pairings, groups, solos, couples, throw in some all-stars from time to time, and no one ever goes home.  I would enjoy

They announce at the beginning of the episode who is safe and who is in trouble, right?  Everyone then dances, and then the bottom few dance for their lives before a decision is made.  It's tough to have to dance knowing you're in the bottom, but I think that allows for the judges to keep that in mind as they watch

those are my people too!!

thanks, that is helpful and actually makes sense.  appreciate the response.

OH yes, of course, my bad!  Reminded me of Interview as well.

Will be watching Under the Dome tonight mostly for Dean Norris.  Worried, though, that because they have not yet announced if it's a miniseries or ongoing series, that we'll be left with a lot of unanswered questions if it does not get renewed.

oh he's a great grandfather?  that's right, he's superrrr old?

agreed, I always come back to that line when I'm trying to figure Don out.  It's so, so spot-on.

Lilith's merkin through her dress: I realize I could say this about most of the show but SO unnecessary.

and Dinklage!

Isn't it kind of a big deal that she came across another fairy living in the human world?  Sookie was so nonchalant about the whole encounter.

Wait, IS Jason a half were-panther right now?  We never saw him turn, right?

Mainly because nothing dealing with the fairies makes any sense on this show.

and how weird that both of Pete's parents died in separate tragic accidents?

I so agree with your conclusions about Season 5 vs. 6.  I remember being very disappointed with last season's finale (though upon rewatch, liked it a lot more).  I think a rewatch of Season 6 will help my overall appreciation, but beyond the last 2 episodes I've felt as pulled around by the show as the characters have

The nunnery arc had to do with a love of mushrooms rather than cheese, that may be what you're thinking of?