olive snook

yes!  I believe that was the same one, that was an extra twist of the knife for me too.

Oh is it?  I am ignorant of such a feud!

It answers why her, but not why they exist at all, if I am remembering correctly.  Looking forward to discussing that moment when we get there though!

No that's an interesting way of differentiating and handling the mysteries behind these 2 shows.  I don't know what I would have preferred to see - a definitive answer or a continued mystery - but both sides are appealing.  Not knowing never bothered me on either, but I do wonder how I would have felt at the end of

Joan of Arc vs. Jaye of Ehh: who ya got?!

I like that you highlighted the "it just is" factor of Bryan Fuller shows.  It allows for us to get over that mystery quickly and on to the fun.  I do also wonder though, had Wonderfalls or Pushing Daisies been allowed to continue for any significant amount of time (RIP beautiful shows), would it have been a hindrance

I LOVE this episode as well.  Such great use of misdirection and little, seemingly inconsequential things (the broken taillight) leading to a surprising (and heart-felt) conclusion.  This was the first time I was like "YES, this show is firing on all cylinders!"

HELLO, Father Scofield/Mushroom Killer!

@avclub-cb10f554d73e40f723febf42a006a887:disqus I have noticed the matching plant walls…and decided I kinda want one of my own.  I promise I will copy no other of Hannibal's proclivities.

hahaha touche!

@disqus_6VNmaHdsCj:disqus I agree, that's what I wanted to - but since Alana didn't let on to Will that the clock was messed up, she must have decided that Will would have broken completely if he'd realized it wasn't a normal clock, so she had to wait until she was alone with Jack (and unfortunately Hannibal) to show

YES!  And It was so brutal that Jack IMMEDIATELY went to - oh Will probably faked that - meaning Jack's working from a "guilty until proven innocent" rather than an "innocent until proven guilty" mentality with Will.  Just brutal.

Such great observations and ideas, you guys.  I can't stop wondering about her now.

I think I like that I don't know where Du Maurier stands, what she knows, and who she is.  It makes me infinitely more excited for season 2 (as I assume such details will be parsed out over time).  This show, man.

I cannot say that, I will never say that, but it does make me genuinely happy that I live in a world where both have existed and one continues to do so.

I can't even "classic Poe" this one (though @avclub-ddf39be6eb089c51636d28ea68254f5c:disqus beat me to it anyway) because it bums me out so much

oh Will definitely, definitely knows.  That last scene was essentially sizing each other up, Will committed to proving his innocence and getting Hannibal behind bars instead.

@avclub-c2023af23a02a04d9f58966bafd8969a:disqus ditto, and I kept thinking "that's impossible!" before I realized, oh wait, it was already there, dummy.

too true!

The existence of Alana Bloom's character was completely validated for me last night.  THE CLOCK.  Oh my gosh, I was squirming, hoping she'd ask Will to draw one for her.  And she takes in his puppies, I die (and speaking of, Mr. Fuller mentioned there was another scene with the dogs at Alana's house after Will