olive snook

Yes, this.  He does blame Will for that reason.

agreed, I'd completely forgotten about that subplot as well and was confused by the observation until I read your comment.  definitely a middle ground to be had here where these episodes are sooo old

plus, they were drinking.  singalongs sound a lot better after lots of wine.

and there's the cold open where they're all whistling together in the coffee house (to a tv theme song maybe?) and they do it again when they're helping Rachel fold and stuff resumes in Monica's apt.

very much doubt he had a SAG card at this point.

you guys remember ABC's 3D week?  I think you were supposed to get the glasses at Wendy's, of all places.  God, those episodes were painful.  I vividly remember Home Improvement's ep, with Tim and Al moving a plank of wood toward and away from the screen so we could feel the awesome "it's coming right at me!" effect

agree with your feelings on these episodes and that I'm bummed Joe and Sonia didn't like them more, particularly Blackout.  it's a classic.

"Paolo is the Oliver (from The O.C.) of the first season of Friends"

this is the first of the reviews where I was like oh wait, maybe they don't like it as much as I do?  Because The One with the Blackout is definitely a classic. But the other reviews have done a great job of going beyond the relatively surface-level season 1 jokes.

ditto, he definitely wanted it to preserve the memory and show everyone he had met her.

yea if this episode had aired during season 2 when Friends-mania really kicked in, I'll bet we would have had one of those lovely ladies instead.  I guess we technically did, will Elle Macpherson (spelling?) showing up in season 6.

2 that strike me, though I do feel bad saying it:

@avclub-05726c736277e78fffb7b9546ad0ec6f:disqus my mom boiled hot dogs for us because we *hated* grill lines, so I guess we were "those people."  Grew out of it thankfully.

Will needs more hugs from Dr. Bloom.

too true, too true.  :(

exactly my other feelings.

exactly my feelings.

@avclub-3d620c4853cc46acd5ad91224fe6eb7c:disqus it is known.

@avclub-af7809fb474b9a36411cbdfc73757dcb:disqus yes!  thank goodness!!!  what was he thinking?!

I'd have to agree, this seems far more original than the typical sitcom scenario.  I also wish they'd done a little more with it, as it really is very devastating in this episode and Felicity Huffman had more to give here.