olive snook

oh my, that is definitely worse.

That is a huge bummer.

"suck" is, to this day, my mom's most hated word.

so dead on.  how others prepare food compared to how your mom does it is another one of those where it's "wrong" if it's not exactly the same.

little things like that would torment me though when I was a kid.  I was always so embarrassed of "screwing up" in front of others, in harmless ways like this.  I get it.

Have a really similar one to Todd, though not quite as far: I was about 10-11 years old, my friend went into her parents' bedroom to ask her mom something, and I was maybe 10 steps behind her. When I walked in to the bedroom, the friend and mom were in the parents' bathroom, and I found myself standing directly in

HA!  Alas, I am not, but very glad to hear you guys are out there, thinking similar thoughts!  (and appreciating KCheno/Pushing Daisies.)

seriously, what a story.  how do you land on his hair, though?  I'm not digging those intensely-styled curls I'm afraid.

great analysis, agree with practically everything though I am drawn to the contemporary boys more than you are it seems.  have they mentioned yet whether we're going to get another girl winner and guy winner, or just back to one winner this year?  I can't remember hearing anything about it (though the last 15 minutes

great point.

lovvved watching him dance with those 2!  what a great showcase for a talented guy.

Very well could be the case.  Like Oliver mentioned, the judges' critiques of Fik-Shun signal that.  With Nigel's first comment in particular, though, my mind immediately went to a slew of Cyruses unable to keep up with any intense choreography, rather than a season-long growth experience that we get to witness.

Christopher Scott is killing it on this show. Looking forward to what he comes up with this season

ugh, I'd completely forgotten about Jose! That debacle was worse than Cyrus, I can't believe I pushed it from my memory.

Agreed! I liked him in every stage of the competition until his comments last night. Hope he tones it down, reels it in, whatever he needs to do to stay on the charming side of the equation.

Nigel telling us that he wasn't sure all of their choices were cut out for the competition was pretty much the worst way to start the Top 20 reveal, but I guess that made me even more surprised when I was thrilled with how the selections turned out! Really excited for Mariah, whose swagger I find mesmerizing, as well

I thought the same!  What did she do to you that you had to kill her like THIS.

it was…awful.  just so, so awful.  I think I'm still traumatized (I finally watched the ep last night).

absolutely.  he is just killing it.

couldn't agree more.  bone-chilling.