olive snook

yea that makes sense

oh I know, it's so brutal.  Not only does Lindsay abandon her, but then no one will take her beautiful cookies :(

in fairness to her, who dresses up as a raccoon?  I kid, I kid.

ditto.  love that scene, and how she distorts her face to do the voice.

It always started when it was light out and ended in the dark for us, like 6-8 or 7-9 or something like that.  Maybe they went on the early side?

I always thought around the Ann Arbor area as well.  That or Macomb County.

I am so glad you pointed out how Lindsay's confusion over "just driving around with no destination in mind" keeps her from ever totally being a freak.  I so hated that aspect of high school, but I was a kid who loved crafts and always had a million projects going on, so if I wasn't doing something of substance, I'd

definite missed opportunity, you're right.

ohhhh no, I missed that.  I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that she at least grew up dancing or something, but then they probably would have said that to make her more legit.  at least Jason Derulo is in the music industry, has to perform, make music videos, and I'm assuming he dances?  I'm not a fan.

VEGAS, YES!  So it was cool to see more of the process this year - with solos first before you ever get a room key, and I don't remember them being that open with the numbers (how many cut each round, etc) before (though I could just be forgetting).  I appreciate being let in on that information.

@arroganthipster how about Carrie Bradshaw then

I vividly remember asking my mom to explain the joke, and vividly remember my mom mumbling something about spilling juice. I kinda wish I knew how many years of reruns it took for me to be old enough to get that joke.


agreed - I was very impressed with that secret audience.  If ABC Family knew this, would they be more or less likely to renew?

speaking of - guess we should be glad The Following didn't take up some of these spots.  Classic Poe.

I think the period usually ends May 31 (at least that's the deal for Emmys).  Hannibal premiered in April, so it should be in the conversation.

ahhhh this is so frustrating.

I'm surprised it's getting critical love, from what I've seen critics were really hard on it.  I enjoy the show, but there are a lot smarter comedies out there.

yikes, 12 as well.  feeling…conflicted about my tv obsession.