olive snook

I do not enjoy that Bunheads is listed as "youth programming."  It makes me feel icky.

oh my god, if that had happened…i don't even want to think about it.

that's a lot of time for her to remain in the water, and since I don't think they'll make her as bloated as the book description (see also: Tyrion's face), they'll want to pull her out sooner so as to keep it fairly realistic.  The amount of days that transpires throughout season 4 may end up being fairly compressed

@avclub-ba1e09e54b82af1372a6ef9bffc9f19c:disqus all experiences are going to be different of course, but I was happily surprised by how genuine everyone seemed to be.  And it wasn't forced "remember when THIS happened sophomore year?!" either.  It was more like taking the things you knew about the person from way back

This was actually a recent discussion over in the first Freaks n Geeks review.  You might be right, that they will eventually fade away, but I just attended by 10 year back in November, and it was wayyyyy more fun and interesting than I thought it'd be.  I figured worse case scenario the 5 close friends I was going

The high school reunion had to be an episode of Wonderfalls at some point.  It just grates so perfectly against everything that is Jaye Tyler, so I am happy to have gotten it before the series was canceled.

I am always ok with a link to a Wicked song, and it's very apt here.

and Karen is Mother Superior of that nunnery.  Weird turn for her as well!!

Exactly.  Agreed.

Along those lines and like Todd and Brandon say in the article, some things that may not have had a lot of emotional weight for new viewers, like the Starks saying goodbye to each other in early season 1, have added meaning now that last week's episode has aired. As book reader, I knew Robb and Jon Snow were saying

we're trying!  last night's Twitter hashtag was #EattheEmmys, and it was trending worldwide.  maybe…

@avclub-2604fa0a1df542f33fc9663187b38dde:disqus I believe it!  Even sans kids, sometimes I'm so tired from a rough work week I want to do that.

@samatict:disqus exactly.  no idea, but worrying about him falling down definitely distracted me for a minute.

nice one!

Yes, I think they'll find it this time, and Hannibal won't step in to manipulate.  It's gone as far as it can.

UGH I know, I gasped when he said that.  What a gut punch.

I think I agree that I don't prefer Freddie as a sociopath, as she was essentially portrayed last night.  She can be drawn to murders and fascinated by them, but she doesn't have to be unfeeling.  She's still really underdeveloped for me, so maybe I'll come to appreciate her coldness later, but right now she's not

Agreed - Hannibal is aware of Alana as a threat, but he respects her enough that he won't do anything about it unless he absolutely has to. If the "problem" of her is solved by other means, he won't actively try to prevent it either.

speaking of the eggs… has Hannibal figured out how to clone dinosaur eggs ala Jurassic Park?  That's what they look like.  I wouldn't put it past him.  Guy's a genius.

this knife thread - in a Hannibal review - is just awesome.