olive snook

Interesting - like maybe the patient who attacked her actually killed her, and Hannibal then killed him, but he's envisioned an alternate reality where she survives and he still seeks treatment from her, but in actual reality he's really talking to nothing.  I think that's plausible.

haha I said the same thing - man, Will has an early bed time!  But since he has been sleeping for like 20 minutes a night for who knows how long, I understand he may want to go to sleep whenever he feels tired.

I couldn't stop comparing it to Game of Thrones' The Wall in my head, so I may have missed the blood, but it definitely looked dirty.

I agree that I need more from Freddie, but I'm trying to be patient with her development.  Her unfeeling, "Gideon isn't here" (paraphrasing) when Jack and the FBI bust in was very strange though, I agree.  She may have a fascination with murder, but keeping a man alive who is holding his own intestines should prompt

"Hannibal is right there to be Will’s anchor, to remind Will of who he is, or at least who Hannibal wants Will to be."

Possible, though Brienne likely won't have a hand in it now (no hand pun intended)

oh yes, that might be who I'm remembering from season 2.

I can think of one that is the opposite: Vargo Hoat, dead in books; Locke, his stand-in on show, is still alive.  There might have been someone in season 2 - I'm remembering having the conversation with my boyfriend, but can't remember who it was (yes, very unhelpful, I know).

yea sorry that went up as I was typing my equally long response to you, so I missed it until I refreshed!  I both agree with you - that this is a strange state of affairs, and not something I plan on partaking in myself - while understanding why some may have that impulse.

I didn't know that was a thing (taping yourself watching a new trailer).  Yikes. I am generalizing, but that need, to upload such things for all the world rather than just sending it to friends, may come from a lack of friends or a lack of friends who happen to care about that particular show/movie.  It's why tumblr

Here's my take: since the show was first announced, the book readers have been waiting with anticipation/dread for this particular scene.  Many probably have friends or family who have not read the books and who they knew would absolutely flip out at this episode (I was just waiting for the phone call from my mom at

depends on how sleuth-y they were about it!

Great observation, dead on.  This world is great.

oh no, this sounds totally insane.  I see none of those connections and now that they are brought to my intention… I still see none of them.  But I do appreciate that you brought this article to my attention.  It is delightfully misguided!

Did anyone here watch Christina Applegate's Samantha Who? I think it also aired on ABC, in the 2007-08 range.  It lost a chunk of its audience to the writer's strike, I believe, but it was really a good little show, albeit a little more stereo-typically sitcom-y than Better Off Ted, Apt 23 and HE.  Pretty great cast,

I think Victoria's Secret has a lot to do with my disdain for the word, actually!  Years of hearing the word "panties" in a seductive voice in semi-annual sale commercials made me never want to hear it again

That is literally the exact same thing I said when I first saw this.  Yay.

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus ha! too bad.

@avclub-4645aaea95ece4efbef8cb9251a5ac3a:disqus luckily I never dealt with that.  We were a little more innocent, the whole school wasn't showing up to our parties, just the people invited by the kids who lived out there.

@Scrawler2:disqus I'm really surprised!  I had a lot of friends end up at MSU, and the sorority/fraternity bunch were forever going to barn parties.  Plus the general emphasis on agriculture at that school?  Maybe it's because our school district happen to include some of those farming communities around us, and yours