olive snook

I liked the Pilot of F&G quite a bit, but this episode made me go "oh yea, this show is going to be AMAZING" when I finally sat down to watch it a few years ago. Todd hit all the high points already so I won't repeat, but yea, this episode rocked for not being predictable teen party disaster.  Sam hiding all the

yea I think I read that in the oral history of Freaks & Geeks from the January (?) issue of Vanity Fair - sometimes he'd completely nail it, but most of the time they'd be floored by his insanity.

This is too weird - the most awkward experience I ever had at a party was the cast party for Once Upon a Mattress, which our community's summer music theater performed the summer between my 8th and 9th grade.  It was my first time doing community theater, I was a random lady-in-waiting, I was the exact opposite of

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus wholeheartedly agree that farm parties were the best high school parties.  I lived in a suburban area surrounded by farms in metro Detroit, and had friends who lived a little further out on those farms.  Big bonfires, sitting on the back of pick-up trucks, not worried

This is so true.  Realizing when to fight back on other's mockery of things you love is something you learn as you get into college (or sometimes beyond).  Lindsay's experience here is so dead on.

damnit, I can't believe I forgot that!  thanks!

"get out of here….Nick Lachey" or whatever the line is = one of the funniest recurring Soup clips.

I think I need to know more about the woman who got married while having amnesia.  And yet I will never watch this show.  A quandary!

I thought the same - Wednesdays are apparently a big day for me on TV Club this summer!

isn't it so sad that that's the explanation?

unfortunately, like Les, I find this show to be none of those things. There are plenty of fun action-y shows that don't always have air-tight premises or logical, rational decision-making and consistent characters. But while Revolution failed all of the above, it also failed at being enjoyable and interesting as the

who *will not with

I'm just speculating, but maybe once Georgia found out about the possibility that the power could be turned on, that's when they began stockpiling. Presumably tanks, humvees and helicopters at any military bases within that territory have been left alone until now. Of course this all happens off camera because the

and we are most definitely there.


it's true. Thank God NBC also renewed Hannibal or I would be even more incensed that this got a season 2.

BAHAHAHA <—- me, at the "Guantanamo Bay, Cuba" reveal.

it's a reference to his Harry Potter character, who is non magical (but from a magical family, so not a Muggle either) and thus, a squib!

Les: Welcome to Wonderfalls!  I'm actually really glad to hear you loved Jaye and Wax Lion so much.  It took me a few more to fully warm up to Ms. Cynical!

I would agree that I wasn't sure about Jaye in the pilot either.  Just a tad too much negativity and cynicism, which came off like spoiled privileged girl rather than deeply-interesting person.  But as you see her develop and acknowledge her own flaws, you grow to love her.