olive snook

yea his acting never bothered me, and it's probably because their chemistry is pretty fantastic from go.

Right?!  I'd never heard that Adam Scott was first in the role, and I cannot choose!!!!

The theme song is now officially re-stuck back in my head.  I am ok with that.

yup, Rachel screws up the trifle in The One Where Ross got High.

haha well thanks!


agreed - this was a whole new place to take Hannibal's character.  I am uneasy about it.

That line was all kinds of amazing.

hiding the disease from Will is definitely a new, darker layer to Hannibal.  It unnerved me more than anything else he's done, which is saying a lot.

Agreed - it was terrifying in places.  I don't always need it that way, but it was interesting to see that they can handle that kind of episode as well.  Like Molly said in her review, this show isn't about the violence itself, but about the aftermath, which I really appreciate (take some lessons from this, The

@avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus This is definitely one of those shows that will become much popular on Netflix and DVD and we will all lament why no one watched it while it was on the air so it could have had more seasons.  Which is why I am even more grateful to NBC for renewing it, so we have a

amen.  His name attached to anything requires my immediate viewing.

ugh Bunheads, I know, I'm dying!

I generally prefer 13 eps in scripted dramas and it seems creators do too. less filler/spinning of wheels. I welcome the news of 13 here!


god bless us, everyone!

1) That line always stuck out in my mind but just because ew.  And I thought Chandler meant that he washes his - ahem - private area last, and Joey washes his face first (I guess because I wash my face first?)

I rewatch several of the Thanksgiving episodes every Thanksgiving.  Here's my order of favorites:

Mississippi-lessly?  Ross getting a spray tan is definitely one of the best later season episodes.  I just chuckled to myself again.

You totally triggered my memory on the juice box being a big thing but that I didn't get the joke.  I even asked my mom what was so funny and she mumbled some nonsense about spilling everywhere.