olive snook

ah, The Single Guy.  definitely watched that too.

well said!

nice one.

Those realization episodes are way up on my favorite lists.

AGE THREAD, because I'm curious:

It really is an insane undertaking.  I'm assuming they're going to break at the end of the summer or at the end of the first season, and pick it up several months later, like they do with a lot of TV Club Classic, but the idea that these reviews might last 5 years is also insane

I was thinking the same - there can't be TWO "Paul the's" right?

I think he directs indies, and he owns Looking Glass Theater in Chicago, but I agree that the 6 of them are far from career-less right now.

I actually can't believe that I don't remember where I first came in.  I have very vivid memories of watching season 2's The One After the Superbowl and The One with the Prom Video, but nothing before that.  I was in 6th grade though, so I'm blaming my faulty memory on "youth."

and PS thanks to Joe and Sonia for taking this on - I look forward to what will be a very long journey through this show :)

I've rewatched Friends so many times there is absolutely no way I could put a number on it.  This show will always have a very special place in my life.  With that out of the way, the pilot is SO not good (Chandlerism intended), and I'm glad I came into the show later in the first season (and didn't see the pilot

Absolutely agree.  Things like Joey moving out or nobody knowing about Chandler and Monica seemed like foreverrrr in their initial airings, but now I realize a lot of those kinds of arcs happened in 2-5 episodes.

exactly.  if the only way to accomplish that is via a 2+ hour movie, then fine, but I don't need a theater release.  If they can figure out timing to make a season like the first 3, though, that is my #1 choice.

@avclub-6e8fb18f4f5788ce09ff72f8fdd81b4f:disqus @avclub-7f464aa8d240f970c65d26cb2c308d2c:disqus @avclub-2a3e953a5e3d81e67945bce5519f84c8:disqus @avclub-0831e5131f68f7f4abe81fabc11fde20:disqus Guess I should have added that I actually would just prefer more episodes as well, BUT it seems that both the cast and Mitch

I have to say I love that TVDW started this idea and I have so enjoyed reading everyone's embarrassing stories.  Bring on the healing!  I don't have anything in this arena, but hope to have a reason to share one soon.

dang it!  I didn't get to it yet!  hope you're right about it coming back, @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus

why not have Netflix commission the movie, rather than more episodes?  Not like they don't also offer movies, and the idea of AD in a real movie theater has always seemed strange to me.  Just make a 2 hour "movie" through Netflix.

absolutely, I had the best time at my 10 year. I was middle of the road popularity-wise, but I was struck by how open and genuinely kind everyone was, no matter where they fell in high school. I know Facebook takes a lot of the mystery out of a reunion, but that just means your conversations don't have to be a

AD has been taking longer to load than any other Netflix show.  I'm doing 1-2 a night and I've had the issue every time.  Once it finally kicks in I've been ok though.  There must be something janky with it though.

absolutely, one of my favorite parts of watching Mad Men is reading their Mad Style post a few days later.