olive snook

I think it's her plastic surgery more than her aging. She's morphed into Christine Taylor. I'm only on episode 5, so unless there's a scene later where Lindsay pretends to be Sally Sitwell to mess with Michael or something, I'm sad Ellen wasn't able to stop Portia from this much work.

I felt the exact same through episode 4. I'm on 5 now and finally feel like I have my bearings, but I was really bothered by it. I'm already looking forward to a full rewatch, I know I'm going to laugh way more when I'm not trying to process what's going on and where we are in time.

the "chubs" line and this whole interaction were absolutely the highlight of the episode

Gus Fring calling Aaron "chubs" was indeed the highlight of the episode.

which raises all kinds of questions about what their marriage is like!

quick answer: do not subject yourself to The Following.  rewatch Hannibal instead.

so I'm with you on this:  I took the "Big Finish" as part of the dream theater.  We saw the Bombshell cast in the wings, but didn't see the number, and that's what Tom wants to watch afterwards.  And that's why it's ok that Big Finish was so SMASHy and self-referential.  Even if I'm wrong, I like this interpretation

and Mrs.Coach took most of the heat for it, which was not ok with me.

"return to being a pirate"

absolutely, the course-correction on Julia was the best improvement between season 1 and 2.

which is exactly the problem with this show.  how did they ever think that was something the audience wanted?

"Julia's marriage drama, because that was a love for the ages" - well done.

ugh, the appearance of Michael Swift's face was less than welcome, to say the least.  I liked her with Tom Collins, wish she could have patched that up instead.  I mean, if they DID have a season 3, the writers thought the audience would want to see Julia in a regular (meaning not extra-marital) relationship with

But then the "you kiss like a straight guy" line is so strange.  I took that to mean Tom realized yup, he's definitely straight.  Not, yup, he's definitely closeted.  Guess I lose that one!

amen to Bunheads' important work in bringing Sutton Foster into my life.  I already knew of the wonder that is Hilty from watching way too many youtube clips of her as Galinda (that's GAlinda with a GA!") in LA's production of Wicked, but Borle, Jordan, Krysta Rodriguez and Wesley Taylor were all new finds that I am

Well I just got to watch this today so I know this comment is really late and likely won't be seen BUT - I guess I took that final number as more like the dream theater.  It was my interpretation that wasn't actually the number that aired at the Tony's (we saw the Bombshell cast backstage for that one, but didn't get

hooray for Wonderfalls and Friends and Freaks & Geeks - and the return of Sports Night!

Warming Glow asked a Netflix exec about crashing in an interview earlier this week.  They think they have it handled:

I think it's the only way he thinks he can get the cast together to do the interconnected stories that seasons 1-3 were.  Like, they can commit to 3 months on a movie set, but not 6 months of sometimes on set and sometimes not.  That's what I'm taking from the interviews Hurwitz has done regarding his plans.

yes, yes they do :/