olive snook

I also have a lot of questions about why a Royal baby is such a big deal and why Adalind would be a target if the news got out.  Maybe we'll get some of that next week.  The best I've come up with so far is that the Royals, for some reason, haven't been able to procreate recently (a spell?  a hex?  gypsy curse?), and

iiiii think she's taking some green goo to the face next week to save Nick, but we'll just have to wait and see!

so happy to have this show back!

that cut-away was extra strange because it was right at the moment that Paul kicked his dancing into higher gear to show off his talent - and then we didn't get to see it

and did I mishear her or did she say she only picked up dancing about 6 months or so ago?  or was she dancing as well as playing softball and just decided to give up the softball and focus on dance?  if it's the former, i don't even know how that would be possible to have such extension and control after only 6

I watched Boston Common too, but was probably, eh 14?  15?  I still remember the intro, taking up brain space for no reason.  I also liked Jesse, my first introduction to Ted Chaough!

@avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus Wilmer ValderDRAMA


that it was! I miss it too

"And does that sentence make any sense to someone who hasn't seen this show? Or someone who has seen this show?"

lol yes why did she even ask him that? trying to figure out if that's what she is 39 days in? to what end?

plus what are they so angry at her for? why demand she admits she's the goat? what does that accomplish? I was really surprised by the hate, particularly out of Erik who did nothing strategic ever.

yes, why would anti-magic Greg and Tamara ever use a MAGIC bean or want to go to a land with MAGIC? and is the initiative on Neverland, or did they abandon their cause when they realized Henry looked like the kid Peter Pan has been searching for? and how do they even know Peter if they're anti-magic?

"making villains try to be nice to you must be genetic"

it's true, the Baelfire actor is way more capable. he can even convey realistic emotion, imagine the possibilities for Henry!

absolutely - I thought Sleeping Beauty and Mulan taught her that lesson 21 episodes ago. Come on Snow, this is no time to regress. Save that for Regina.

as a Chicago resident whose mother also lives in Southeastern Michigan, I highly enjoyed this What's On Tonight?  Thanks, Erik.

all of this, I second.

but but but…expression?!?  Grams?  I'm just trying to defeat the possibility of this heart-breaking twist.

it's unfortunate in Hannibal's case, but true.  AMC needs to go into the Bryan Fuller business.