olive snook


coming across "agh blblblblbl" in unrelated AV Club posts will never not be funny.

@avclub-ddf4cd764653a94950957cf0bcaa1cd9:disqus that is so accurate.

Jesus, what has Isaiah Washington been up to since the whole TR Knight-Grey's debacle?  And then he lands on a CW show with Desmond.  Ah, life.

no to mention resetting the show to where it was a year ago, back to Human Elena before they ever got to explore a sire-less and humanity-on Vampire Elena.

yea, at least one of them said they've been watching.  And so that explains why Alaric would know where the cure was on Silas and that he should go get it.  What made less sense is that no one else thought about that.

oh god you raise a horrifying possibility.  When Damon first started chocking Silas/Alaric, I thought for sure Damon was wrong and it really WAS Alaric (and where WAS Alaric during this?!), but Bonnie would have known for sure, right?  right????

bahahah I forgot about Jenna completely.  whoops.

Bonnie is terrible - I am as baffled as you.

So much this.

I don't see this as the end of Jim's story at all - I am pretty sure 6 months from now (next week) we will learn he did the 3 month stint necessary to sell the company, and maybe he's consulting or something for them now.

the teapot note!  come on!

I'm with you. This wasn't the best episode in the world, but I enjoyed myself throughout and appreciated a lot of earned character moments (thats how I chose to view a lot of the callbacks, anyway), plus what looked like a genuine Gillian Jacobs breakdown while Jeff was making his graduation speech

@fastandsloppy it's right in the article!

dead-on on your Callie Khouri comment. a shame.

would Will have joined them?!

I was waiting for them to call attention to her now drinking the alcoholic's drink of choice: vodka.

new winner for dumbest story line on this show was introduced in that last scene. a sex tape? garbage

Todd, you are so right about the filming of Maddie and Teddy at the house. I didn't realize why it was so weird until I read your review, but it totally took me out of what was meant to be a sweet moment

@Kumagoro:disqus I'd never thought about the Royals the way you have here, honestly.  I also thought they were their own thing, the rulers of the Wesen world but not of the real world (to the extent royal families even still "rule" these days).  It's a cool take, but I don't think that's really how they've been