olive snook

fake enormous diamond? must be the fail safe!!

absolutely, crossed my mind as well.  Nick completely abandoned his cop-responsibilities for his Grimm ones, and Hank would have at least questioned that.

welcome to AV Club and I love your avatar name. Cannot believe someone around here doesn't already have it, actually.

Maleficent really loves her leather cuffs.

thank you for posting this.  it is amazing.

ohh I thought Tom Collins was just going to produce and couldn't understand the dilemma either

yes, her plan to "kill Snow White and then everyone will love me" definitely needed some work.

As Hook was pushed into Maleficent's pit last night, I wondered why they constantly make Hook be the absolute worst as living life, can't catch a break, etc, but ya know, Disney's Hook was insanely incompetent, so I guess they patterned him off the cartoon.  I probably should have realized that earlier.

plus stealing from the rich and all that?

"Regina is portrayed as out-and-out psychotic now. "Why do these filthy villagers keep seeing me as evil?", asks the witch dressed as a demon nazi torturer adorned with skulls, ordering ominous black knights to massacre entire towns."


not necessarily defending Revolution, but they named it The Tower because this show loves Stephen King references, right?

damn if the timing doesn't work.

@Kumagoro:disqus totally missed both times :(  i find Hook a little hard to understand at times, I'll pretend that's to blame

@Kumagoro:disqus totally missed both times :(  i find Hook a little hard to understand at times, I'll pretend that's to blame

when the episode ended, I involuntarily said out loud, "what did I just watch?!?!" so yes, D+ is accurate. OUaT, you must (and can) do better.

the maybe is key!

yes whole-town murderers are quite delightful

did he? so I guess the dragon took on this banshee form post-dragon death. ok fine.

right I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone who murdered a whole village and suggested killing everyone in Storybrooke in the same episode? nope.