olive snook

I'm totally with you - I don't think the redemption works, but they're still trying…

I believe they deliberately decided to not have Klaus kill everyone in the spirit of starting over, being a somewhat better person, more reasonable, more human. that was the point of showing Marcel dispose of the first witch sister so quickly and utterly and Klaus being turned-off by it. If he did the same to Marcel

agreed, I like that conflict a LOT and witches with free agency and cleverness proved to be pretty cool last night. sorry I'm not sorry, Bonnie.

gees I didn't even put that together re the sire line. great point


ugh and of course Twilight, which is why I almost hope Klaus's child does NOT age faster than normal.

yea I definitely continue to give her the benefit of the doubt because of Secret Circle.

was it meant to signal that Caroline would be leaving TVD for an Originals spin-off? Only reason to have it in there I think. Not that I want Caroline to do that at ALL

How about an All-Stars where he's pitted against other equally savvy and equally challenge-competitive - he may not be targeted immediately if others are just as much of a threat


from your computer to Matthew Weiner's ears… a year later!

David Lee is an asshole. It was hard to watch, but not entirely out of character

If Meryl Streep has that rug, you know it's a keeper

I genuinely appreciate your explanation of the science behind it and its basis in somewhat real theory. I haven't watched a lot of scifi (I stick mainly to fantasy for my genre tv) so this was interesting and helpful. makes me like the shows explanation more too, that it's not just some guys in a writers room

lol yup.  Belle not so much with the blonde hair.

I appreciate all the thoughts on this, guys.  I still consider it a plot hole, but these are good, plausible ideas kicking around.

agreed. didn't hate the episode, liking Charlie a little more now that she's all background, Monroe is indeed a better governor than the governor.

man I'm with you, I thought he was successful and Miles' betrayal was sending him off while Miles tried to assassinate Monroe, so when Alec came back his world was owned. Guess it really doesn't matter

I also thought it was a little too soon to be choosing new projects - at least enjoy the opening night before you move on, gees!  I'm guessing that the director attends every performance for awhile, as he and the cast continue to make small tweaks to the show, but I'll bet at some point an assistant takes over the

Kyle and Tom met when they were doing the Jennifer Hudson (character's name has been deleted from my brain) concert and Jimmy wrote some last minute songs for it. Doesn't excuse the ick factor, though I agree with some other commenter who mentioned that well Tom is probably sort of an idol for Kyle, and given the