olive snook

I hear you, those musical numbers were just incredible.  Karen being jealous, and then being able to admit it was by far the best acting we've ever seen out of McPhee.  I also loved Ivy and her mother's few lovely moments, and though I still really dislike Jimmy, having the dealer be his brother worked for me too.

agreed!!!  so unnecessary.

Couldn't agree more with your entire comment (and lol to your Leo theory).  I really, really enjoyed this episode.

I got teary-eyed too!  I couldn't believe it.  Ivy's Bombshell finale number, with everyone reacting in the audience - love.

I agree with you, @GabrielOak:disqus .  I really enjoyed this episode.  Ivy's number on stage made me tear-up (AH!), and McPhee was pretty much able to keep up with Ivy's vocals in their duet.  Plus it was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed Derek's smile watching them, the moment was earned for me.  Bernadette Peters and

Jimmy and Kyle had to write those last minute songs for Jennifer Hudson's character and Tom was the something or other - music director? of the concert, so they all worked together then, but AGREED EW FACTOR.

I know, why not move Hannibal out of the Thursday at 10 pm death-slot into the Tuesday at 10 pm less-of-a-death-slot?  Moving the stable Grimm seems foolish, and Hannibal's new and could benefit from the Voice lead-in.

OUaT question time: these were Belle's "Curse Memories," apparently.  As in, this was what she's been doing in Storybrooke before the curse was broken?  Being a kinda slutty bad girl?  So then when did she get locked up in Regina's mental ward?  I was pretty sure that's where she'd been for all the years of the curse.

they're talking about right. now. on. the. show.  Tyrion is not the lord of Casterly Rock right. now.  therefore, not a spoiler.  Tywin is.

Paul Rudd was on an episode of Party Down, wasn't he?  Or am I just wishing that was true.  Either way those 2 have been best friends for years, which I love.

I do enjoy that insanely over the top happy crazy Leslie is out-happyed by Jerry's family, to the point that she can't even stomach their breakfast song.

Will taking down the veil finally give me an explanation on how Sirius Black died?

does Silas need to be invited in?  And Matt owns Tyler's house now, so Tyler needs to be invited in too right?

great point re Tyler/Silas.  Like you and Carrie, I assumed it was Silas the entire time he was with Caroline, which made that emotional reunion completely emotion-free.  What a bummer.

I'm with you, and part of the problem is that obviously she will go back to humanity-filled Elena at some point in the near future, and then we will have to listen to her whining and apologizing to everyone over and over about what she did when she was humanity-free.  No thank you.  The sooner she gets her humanity

I also have problems with how mean Dalia got toward the end (and the fight, of course) and then George takes her in for the night.  And where does he think his own daughter is?  Shouldn't he be looking for her?  
Those were my only quibbles with the resolutions of the emotional arcs of the season

my God this is brilliant.

Exactly my feelings on it as well.

well done.
