olive snook

hmm I'm thinking yes, Stefan did know - because why else give a vampire water?  I don't remember them ever having to drink water for hydration before. 

yea there was so much exposition from Stefan re Say Anything I knew that was for the benefit of all the teens watching this show who have never heard of it :/

OMG i'd forgotten this moment, thank you!!!  amazing. 

yea for part of the episode I was like wait - does he already know?  he did live with those white supremacists for years without ever letting on - but when he went to inspect the car I realized he didn't, he just had his suspicions, which he now thinks are just his paranoia.  I prefer that, but it does mean his moving

I loved Donna Bowman's and Noel Murray's' tandem reviews of Firefly over the summer, so I'm looking forward to these as well

loved that too

Pushing Daisies is absolutely one of my favorite shows of all time - I'm so glad we've found a new fan in you!  As Myles mentioned, the show was reviewed during it's run!

couldn't agree more re Danny and the show's premise as a whole. 

I said this in response to another comment but I think it fits here as well re Danny's motivations:  I think it's just like Jillian said in the episode: they didn't realize they weren't really enjoying each other's company. If Danny had been more into her, he would have put in the effort. That's his M.O.: he cares

I think I laughed more at this episode than any other, which should count for something.  "I'm Rob Reiner's mother?!" was very good.  As was "how much for the sea dog/flightless bird?"

you're so right.  i wish i was watching that show too.

I think the Ellie/Bobby developments were able to balance the silliness of the Jules/Laurie break-into-Tom's house plot.  This has always been a show that meshes emotion and zany encounters well, and I'd say this is another solid example.  Was last week's episode better?  Absolutely.  But I'm not worried about

"this….saved my life."  /smash.

i loved Ellie's line about raising a son so dorky he can be bought with Hulk hands.  maybe because my bf totally would be too…

i wasn't, but that would have been a nice callback!

ditto. I been there. I've put chairs up against door knobs (does this even do anything? probably not). I've put a knife in my nightstand. I'm not proud, but what I'm saying is that Jess's behavior isn't just unrealistic Quirky Zooey


probably the hottest network kiss I've ever seen. yum. eeeee!

reminded me so much of Joey's "moo point" from Friends, but I'm ok with that.

I only knew he's been in a handful of episodes previously because of my love of SYTYCD and him (Kent) in general.  He's never spoken before that I can remember, so his intense personality definitely came out of nowhere.