olive snook

yea i had absolutely no idea what was happening at that dinner and just let it go over my head.  your explanation makes the most sense


this is brilliant

absolutely!  I loved it.  learning more about Marty Short's career and behind the scenes of Blues Brothers, all fascinating.  The Freaks and Geeks oral history was eye-opening re the network tv process and it breaks my heart even today to see just how passionate everyone who was involved in that show was about it. 

and hey, that's fine, we differ on that, I'm just over his brand of comedy now, but my point was that Ace and Dumb & Dumber etc were brilliant at the time and insanely popular, and I think when comedy-types name Jim Carrey in a "best of," they're looking at that and ignoring him today and Yes, Man and Dick & Jane. 

I've found myself in the past to neither love nor hate GIRLS, rather, I'm consistently amused and interested in each episode, despite the fact that it is widely held as the most polarizing show of our generation (jokes).  This was the first episode that I absolutely loved, laughing my ass off while also being deeply

having just finished reading that issue of Vanity Fair, I can tell you that Judd Apatow did in fact name Jim Carrey the best ever or funniest ever or king of comedy or some such title.  I believe Judd used to open for Jim back in their stand-up days.  I have no idea what Jim's stand-up was like, but I have to believe

oh man now that's all I see!  good call.

"The emotional value of all of these stories, without fail, comes from the first season."

when Maddie told her to stop playing the victim I wanted to reach into my tv and slap Maura Tierney.  I so wish Peter hadn't intervened :)

well said.  I think the writers might be keeping their options open as well - if they want Alicia and Lockhart Gardner to have a falling out, they can.  If they want Alicia and Diane to have a sort of competitive mentor-mentee relationship, they can do that as well.  That last scene was planting seeds for the future,

couldn't tell how to read Diane's look at Alicia either.  Maybe she just saw herself, or maybe Diane's not sure Alicia's 100% with them - she did just see Canning leave her office, for which Alicia gave Diane a cagey "personal matter" explanation

@Carlee dang i'm so mad at myself for not remembering that - thanks for being nice to me about a missed-Community reference in these here parts!

amen to the David Walton sentiment!  I want him on my screen every week

this episode was such a delight! Louis killed it in the emotional scenes.

I'm with you and with the review: some great little moments and jokes, but the larger stories seemed like the storylines were driving the characters and not the other way around, like "hey it'd be funny to watch Andy, Ben and Tom play ball together" and "Leslie needs to go collect trash cause feminism!" even Ron and

LOL good point that absolutely never crossed my mind.  That should have been Brian's solution to Pam's immediate problem, but it would have taken away from a fight that Jim and Pam clearly needed to have.

LOL good point that absolutely never crossed my mind.  That should have been Brian's solution to Pam's immediate problem, but it would have taken away from a fight that Jim and Pam clearly needed to have.

ya is this a thing?  please tell me this is not a thing.

ya is this a thing?  please tell me this is not a thing.