olive snook

absolutely agree with all of the above, especially about Pam + camera guy.  Pam crying in the office reminded me of Jim being so sad at the end of season 2(right?) in there, with the lights off, until Pam came in and kissed him.

absolutely agree with all of the above, especially about Pam + camera guy.  Pam crying in the office reminded me of Jim being so sad at the end of season 2(right?) in there, with the lights off, until Pam came in and kissed him.

Or just some acknowledgement that Michael Scott exists, period.  Since Carell's departure, I've been baffled that his name is never mentioned, to the point of [my] exasperation.  You don't need Carell to actually appear: just mention Michael in passing, have Pam take a phone call from him, have Jim announce to

Or just some acknowledgement that Michael Scott exists, period.  Since Carell's departure, I've been baffled that his name is never mentioned, to the point of [my] exasperation.  You don't need Carell to actually appear: just mention Michael in passing, have Pam take a phone call from him, have Jim announce to


blasphemy! (re Matt). I'm with @RoSull that Matt has great importance to everyone else's humanity

I like that too. and your username!

I saw her here then too! 

just look at the beauty of that banner image!

ugh i know, involuntary shudder

FRIENDS had Shoebox on its season 1 soundtrack (yes, I had it!) - I can't remember what episode it played in though. 

what do you mean by now?  My high school years definitely involved some Barenaked Ladies, and they were definitely referred to as "BNL" back then (late 90s/early 00's)

I saw her in Wicked here in Chicago in - I think - the summer of 2005.  She wasn't my favorite Elphaba (confession, I've seen Wicked 5 times…), but she was still extremely talented.  You have to be to even come close to pulling off "Defying Gravity."

ditto that.  a one-liner from her in the cafeteria scene might have bumped this up to a solid A for me.  Dahlia's the best.


oops i shared similar sentiments above, and i fully agree with you on expectations vs. outcome being a very pleasant surprise on this!

the fact that attention wasn't called to the still-up tree was also pretty great.  this show just nails like things like that.

Wow, that's an impressive idea out of the ABC marketing department, who knew they had it in them!  I'm probably not going to catch-up on The Neighbors any time soon, but I still appreciate this

Another wonderful episode of The Middle!  When the cheer-off started, I thought for sure I was in for another heart-breaking Sue moment, so the unexpected and rare win for her really warmed my heart.  Plus Brad popping out of absolutely nowhere in that routine (even though he's also on the wrestling team).  The only

what a lovely, non-snarky comment.  very refreshing!