olive snook

great thoughts on the season and the finale here.  I also had a problem with the way Crosby became 100% the bad guy just because Renee is great at being the passive aggressive victim.  I would have liked to see a more balanced conversation with apologies and acknowledgement from both sides.

it does seem unlikely as I think about it now, but I had no idea about the Michael Vick connection while watching and I have a hard time believing the Cougartown writers thought a several years old Vick reference was the way to make this joke land, especially because they never made a single joke about STDs or

lol I thoroughly enjoyed the closing song, but my boyfriend who still refuses to give the show a chance walked in just as it started. another setback in my quest :/

holy confetti, based on the synopsis, the tour will still not be the focus of an episode of Nashville?!  and Avery will make an appearance?!  for shame, Nashville.  for shame.

absolutely. also enjoyed Joey's Ken Adams and how that led to "who came on to whom" re Rachel and Ross in s 8

this was my line of the night, and of course I couldn't remember it this morning, so thank you for posting it here

thank you for this

came to the comments a couple days late to make sure someone said exactly this. revenge and revolution exist in the same universe, who would have thought? hope this means Ems and Nolan are hiding out in the Hamptons, waiting for the right moment to take down the Monroe Republic one by one


ditto that

that's really well stated - I'm with you and I love that that's what Bunheads has become


definitely watch! it's an incredible show with incredible talent. incredible incredible! seriously though, as the season goes on and you get to know the dancers, it becomes very moving. hard to be cynical about the talent on SYTYCD

me too! was delighted to find I hadn't misheard

exactly my take on it too. I just marathoned series 2, so Hector's inability to have a child was fresher in my mind. now the interesting bit is that marnie doesn't know that yet, so if hector and her have been together in the last month, she may not be sure who the father is

I know I'm very late to the party here, but I also believe the baby is Alastair's and they were having an affair. As far as Hector knows, he can't give Marnie children (which we found out in ep4? 5?) but Marnie doesn't know that yet, so she may not be sure whose it is. Hector's face when she told him was so

"And wait, are you telling me Gold can use magic to heal bullet wounds, enchant a cup to get Belle's memory back, jumped to "Let the man die" instead of "I can erase his memories"?"

most excellent!

such a shame, indeed! he could have been Floyd's replacement or some such. really fits well in the universe

except for the whole crippling fear!