olive snook

exactly - it was never funny where he was concerned, he was just too sad.

Mosely's life breaks my heart every week; he needs a win badly.

I noticed the similarities this year as well 

That really does suck - does she care about Branson's causes?  Is she pursuing her own?  It really doesn't seem like it.  Instead, she has to deal with his rebellious shenanigans and running from the law and his "you didn't ask" answer to her "I didn't know you were going to meetings" comment (paraphrasing)

Somehow this was the most tolerable I've found the Anna-Bates storyline this season.  The intertwined reactions when they both received their bundle of letters reminded me of why I rooted for them the first 2 seasons.  Why Bates was "out of favor" in the first place is mind-numbing and I-do-not-care territory, but

no kidding.  it was all completely dreadful. 

i noticed that too - very awkward, his hips were cocked to the side in the most unconvincing hug of all time


Eeeeek, this was not a good episode, for all the reasons mentioned in the review, and mainly that Dr. Frankenstein's world just did NOT fit in right now.  There is so much going on and so much more interesting things to explore and this was just…no.  I like world building, but that doesn't always mean expanding it

man, a great question.  i'm going with running wilde for the bigger disappointment because the mitch hurwitz-will arnett pairing just had so much going for it.  and mindy has more bright spots than wilde (though i did love Fa'ad)

oh that'd be interesting - since vampires don't age, this is what they looked like when they turned, so we could end up with a prequel of sorts, show us what they've been doing all those centuries.  very good thought

"Dot Gov" is brilliant

So do we think The Originals spinoff means they'll leave the Vamp Dis universe completely, or will they pop in and wreak havoc from time-to-time?  As much as "Klaus as the big bad" is played out at this point (though I've enjoyed his presence this season more than last, I must say), I will miss the random appearances

well plus how could vampires be on vervaine, it's poison to them (or did they all slowly build up a tolerance that I'm forgetting about, ala the dread pirate roberts?! sidenote: never fight a land war in Asia)

I liked the flu virus idea as well and think it would make a good mini-arc on the show if they decided to show us more of that chaos - I didn't catch that it was actually the vaccine that impacted the vampires either, though that doesn't lessen my intrigue at such a storyline.

yea i'm not feeling that possible development after all their relationship drama last year, but maybe they'll surprise me and add depth to the two of them

"While it’s fun to see how these Disney fairy tales intersect in the past, the fantasy elements can feel empty without a strong emotional core. “The Outsider” does a good job balancing those different aspects of the series…"
absolutely how I felt about this episode as well!  I am also a huge fan of how capable the

lol my version was definitely DWTS - i watched on abc.com.  totally bizarre that they would air different versions. 


it's true the best part of this episode was Rayna and Juliette's one scene together.  more please!  with Deacon in the middle!