
There were cards, presents, fancy dinners and role playing involved in the episode. What more "holiday spirit" could you want out of it for Valentine's Day?

I can totally kind of see BBT Will Wheaton having a Google alert for Sheldon's name. They've softened him up a bit since he joined the show, but he's had a few dick moments through the years, and it wouldn't have completely surprised me to see him poking at Sheldon for fun.

If the interviewer had been a staid, stuffy old person wearing tweed, Alex's social interaction would have been just fine. And considering how bored the interviewer was with the previous interviews and how Alex managed to turn it around on the spot, I'd say she did quite well, save for the one goof. The interviewer

Totally agree. That poor girl is going to blow (again) at some point. Maybe that's how they keep her on the show. Goes off to Princeton, has a melt-down, has to come back home.

I think we got more impact from watching the reactions from those reading/listening to the story than from watching it play out. I loved how the girls portrayed the change from finding the story ridiculous to sinking into being invested in how the story turns out.

I thought the same thing. Or maybe Will Wheaton just screwing with them for fun.

I think her hair is adorable! It takes her from "corn-fed ingenue" to a real woman. Love it.

Agreed. Alex is the one kid that they can step back from and know that she will handle anything academic just fine on her own.

I moved from Central Texas to NJ, and wept that I could not buy beer at the 7-11.

Loved this episode. I laughed out loud more times than I have at anything else I've watched in a bit. Nice to see the warm, friendly teasing instead of the ugly poking that's been going on more often in this season. More of this, please!