Curly Bill

I don't remember 90% percent of this one. I fell asleep with the "I have strep throat."
"To lose, now, because, I have strep throat." "I came here to win." "I don't want to go home."
Next week: someone gets "thrown under the bus."

Yep! And, chilled tomato watermelon just makes me frowny face. Why not serve it with a beverage of cider vinegar and pop rocks.

That is nifty!

Well, it was fun to see while it lasted. The sand-speeder one is awesome! It looks like it's really floating, until. . . . "lay Jabba no badda. . . ."

Was Tom Gatsby or the billboard with the big glasses? Must be from the DiCaprio movie. Not a big fan of vegan challenges, at all. Dishes look like they're going to taste like pepper, garlic, and play dough.
I really thought wilted salad was going to go home, and I agree that Nina is rock solid and Brian could be

If you graduated high school in the early '90s or before, you had to shower in a big group shower in P.E. It was a part of your P.E. grade.

Ceviche and food trucks make me frowny face.

I thought the girl was sent home.  Otherwise:  everything you said above.  

Five bees for a quarter, please, that's how'd we say it!  
Homer at the She/ She Club?  "Marge, shouldn't you be baking?"  "That's just a salmon swimming past your leg. . ."   "We don't need her cured, doc,. . . ."  I like this one.

"What if it's a really bad foot burn?"

Mr. Simpson please,
don't attack me.
Mr. Simpson NO!  
(It's NOT gonna HAPPEN!)

I meant, Resident Evil. My bad

I avoid zombie movies wholesale.  Underworld intrigues me a little.  A little.

Michael with the thin mustache, the sunglasses, the whole thing was him at his best.  "Hey look, Lonnie Anderson!"  Awesome! 
I miss that show.  There was a time when it was in the cultural arms race with The Simpsons.

The Game Show Network is a premium channel.  Most free cable stations show execrable reality shows.  And, millions of hockey fans can't even watch a divisional playoff game.

I'm a sucker for all of it.  "You burped at my son's christening, you're on Blast."

But, those are early '80s GM steel machines in the background, no?  Tramolin is an Autobot, but it's a 1980 Thunderbird.  
Nathan, your "football to the groin, is. . .'Football to the Groin!'"  You are the George C. Scott that elevated the material.
Best luck, man, and thank you.

. . .Kind of like Superbowl XLVII.  They could've, just, handed the money to Kristen, and spared me the horror of contemplating "chicken liver mousse." I thought we were going to see that dish thrown across the stage.    I liked the wings and the scallops.   You are, absolutely, right.  No team commentary, no prep

I can't remember any of the dishes from this episode.  But, I liked the three final chefs.  Josh was right to try for the 100+ grand.

"How now brown bureaucrat?"