
This is just another example of Equites-occupied government doing what Big Horse wants them to do.  Fight the hooves

Oh, it'll be worth it someday.  Someday journalism is gonna pay off in spades.

What're the chances this is the twilight of the ever-burgeoning Reality TV genre?
'Cause, I really want it to crash in my lifetime.  Not Lifetime, just the regular word.  I don't watch Lifetime because it is bad (and it should feel bad).

Oh my god what is JAN doing in Dirty Dancing?!  Dancing Dirtily?!

It rules all seven kingdoms really.

I love Michonne in the comics, but the Governor was too textbook villainous - right down to the eyepatch.  Michonne has that hacky swordstress crap going on but she has some other features.

There is nothing redeemable about "actors" Kirk Cameron and Stephen Baldwin.

Look how belligerent this guy is about comic books ^

Don't you guys hate Jake Lloyd?  I hate Jake Lloyd.  Also that shoddy substitute for Tyrese on Walking Dead.  What a letdown.  If they had a show together, it would be a bad show.

All this episode's scenes were done well, but the problem is they were chopped together into one episode.  When Dwight witnesses Packer's firing at the end, that was much too quick to be meaningful.  What, they ran out of steam for a story arc at the 10 yard line?

Ugh this show isn't worth its lackluster promo I had to sit through last night while watching a show that's much better despite being in its third year of a downward spiral.  The internet, ugh.

Jake Lloyd is just as horrible today as he was fifteen years ago, and if he's still around in fifteen years he'll be horrible then too. Bonus remark: Jake Lloyd is half the people to blame for Jake Lloyd having been in Star Wars.  This kid is awful.

Just Go With It was horrible enough to reign supreme.  Undefeated didn't quite bring home that trifecta of Adam Sandler doing A Comedy with Another Hot Actress, its failure was more genuine and less by-the-book.  As with a few other of his bowel movements, Just Go With It has a tolerable 14 minutes in the beginning

Nothing about this guy makes me want to ask him anything, including and especially the fact that he works in video games.  Here's a question: give me all that money right now.  Not a question?  We'll see.

Copied that, and got it.  Well done?  Heh.  That's what she said.  Power to the players.  Challenge everything.

This episode had me at Fran Sinclair, "The mother dinosaur from the show, Dinosaurs."  This was made even funnier by his affirmative reaction, in which we learn that he isn't embarrassed at all about this dream.  Also, even though they set it up conspicuously, the food falling from the fan was beautiful.

The farm stuff could / should have happened just after the high school, OR during Hershel's drinking binge to match up the theme of characters giving up.  Or it should've replaced the complete time-wasting sniper incident.  The problem with delivering it now is, we've already had the suicide / quality of life talks

Someone from NBC or god forbid Dan Harmon, if you read this: cancel this show.  Thanks boopie.

TMNT2 - This is the first movie I remember embarrassing me in theaters.  I was seven or eight, and remember thinking "Why would the rapper start rapping about all this destruction?  Was that what they meant to happen?  Is he a bad guy too?  What is this?"  Sometime after I watched TMNT1 and wondered, dumbstruck, how

Tony Moore was the best artist on this project, and it seems like Adlard's getting his cut.  But if Kirkman's right, this'll probably fizzle out in mediation and Tony will have just been an embarrassing cautionary tale.