
But how many of their chests will we see.  No, no don't tell me.

I want to strongly dislike this show, and I can't.  Besides the irritatingly emasculated manchildren, they have a cast of Writer Voices with ambiguous employment / identity.  These things aren't even important in a comedy but their absence in this show is obtuse.  Distracting even.  (The steak sandwich commercial

Actually yeah that does sound like a good role for Franco.  Normally I don't think of that as complimentary.

How many forms does TV have?

That Sopranos was popular may have ushered in an era, but that's optimistic if you consider trainwreck nerd heaps like Lost or Torchwood or that V thing with Baccarin.  What these shows seem to have taken from Sopranos - if anything - is that "You can blueball the audience for dolla dolla bills, don't even have to

Somebody has to, and frankly he was a lot more tolerable in that line of work.

I would literally rather see a Family Matters movie in theaters than an adaptation of Legion in the comfort of my own home, and I HATE theaters.

George Lucas should also retire from talking about Star Wars.

yeah Phil's work is bright, I'm glad they're using it more often.  I can't believe "Sometimes I'm scared no one's gonna like Alex," didn't get a bullet - yeah it falls under the Mean Streak, but it damn near rivaled Phil's epiphany about wanting "powerful" women.  If they keep pumping that "which one of our kids is

God this is horrible.  Exploring the Watchmen backgrounds is gratuitous and artless. They didn't lack those in the comic.  I would earnestly rather have a few volumes of Watchmen Babies, which definitely WAS lacking in the comic.

I've seen their bowl and there is NOTHING super about it.

This was the series's first Step Back, to me.  I just didn't like the clumsy defense minigame, the constant bomb making (too elaborate for what amounts to something minimal) and the abandonment of so much prior story on Ezio's part.  I hope the next game sees more critical judgment from the developers.  It was nowhere

Yeah but Tim Allen made that forced genre work for years, on ABC itself.  Before that I think it was the basis of a successful comedy tour.  Even if it's not our cup of tea, he seems able enough to manage it.

I can't help but love Momoa, but I still haven't seen this thing.  For me it's like Howard > Milius's Movie > the one after that > Maybe some comics, and that's where it ends.  Somewhere in those comics.  Probably between boobs of some sort.

I called Michael C Hall's divorce like two days after I heard about the wedding.  What sort of gratification can I wring out of AV club posters?

This is literally one of the worst movies I've seen, and I thank God every night that I never saw it in theaters.  Holy crap, how can THAT many successful comedians make such a horrible movie?

I enjoyed it.  The only snags for me were how conspicuously she avoided some topics, and her defensive stance about Season 1 of the Office, which I'd read before.  Around those issues though, it was delightful.

This season kept grazing over great opportunity and then wandered off to the gimpy part of the field to feast on crap.  Mos Def and Michael C. Hall had a fantastic awkward-ebony-ivory thing going on, and his character could've brought in some more meaning had he stayed later.  Then I guess there was a cameo from Biney

This isn't really a genre, nor do they share a setting.  There are two companies that make these specific games.  Even Volition prints critics' quotes on their boxes that acknowledge it as a GTA play-alike.

Mindy Kaling is awesome, and the book is delightful so far.  When I first heard her on an Office commentary, it was pretty jarring.  It was like someone intelligent had possessed Kelly.