
Absolutely right about Kevin's arc, it was irritatingly overspent.  Standalone, it would have been great.  This is also about the second or third episode of the season that felt hopelessly unimportant.  Also, how many times this season have they shaken up the "Brainstorming can be funny!" tree?  It's thinning.

Nailed it.

In episode 2, she doesn't trust the Kindle because "they can control what you read".  I hope this show stays online for ten years.

Yes, but will he give us a Twitter-pocked meltdown about this?  If not, then Two And A Half Men really has exhausted all its tricks.

Jeff and the Trailer was a fantastic bit.  This show has kicked up its quality noticeably since its nascent episodes - I hope NBC is going to opt for more of it.  Especially since they really don't have a lot of viable alternatives right now.

Twilight is to movies what a big pile of dogshit is to movies.

NBC oughta consider buying a season of this crazy-ass animation bit.  Maybe they're too sore over Conan.  Or too busy planning awful shows.

I don't see why.  The Church of Scientology made the only parts of that episode that were funny.

Sounds right to me.  Let's greenlight it!

If they can't supply kickbacks to USPS, shouldn't the subscription rates have decreased?

Excuse me, are you really Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste?  That is 5/6ths my favorite movie.  What a woman!

It's probably necessary.  As I understand it, Harry Potter is not a successful franchise in any of its media formats.

I'd volunteer it for Category 2.  Even if you like the TV show (I could go either way), this season has begun with a glacial, thin-premised stalling maneuver.  It might be better viewing all at once than in its weekly schedule.

The still shot is so good, I don't want to ruin it with the video.  This show has started grasping the visual gag over its last year, and it turns out they're pretty good at it.

Same here, but… but, 
Dr. Robuttnik is a GUY?!?!?!?!

What do you call a television show that only reflects major trends and events from around the world?  The news.  You call it the news.

Nah it's not her fault.  You see Bruckheimer explosions in a promo, and realize you've seen these like a hundred times already.

More like Home BOOK Office.

Scarlett Johansson is too hot for a lot of things, God bless her.

Looks like just another smug idiot in Hollywood.