
Probably not though.

Yeah I like that. For the last imagery of hopefulness, the whole end was still pretty damn bleak.  I'd like to nominate Return of the Jedi - that old man's space station got blown up, after his right hand man murdered him and then he couldn't even come back as a ghost with those teddy-bears.  Also a Backstreet Boy was

2 Broke Girls: a pornography featuring a zany, free-spirited hippy and her uptight, conservative best friend from childhood.  The laugh track is exactly as awkward as you imagine.

Too many people spend too much of their time thinking about Lady Gaga, and Lady Gaga jokes. Also none of the jokes are funny.

God forbid an incredibly popular show goes off the air before it becomes a shambling, pathetic mascot.

My link didn't come with a picture, but I can see why HeroBoy clicked it.  Not bad.  I wasn't even sure the CW existed until a year or two ago, and I haven't noticed anything about it since.  How many executive failures until the network gets canceled?  (The boobs say two.)

I have never heard those words spoken, even as a joke before.  He's usually the name I hear cited as the worst Batman.

Whitney is revolting.  The studio audience has no place in the 21st century, and their show is a shallow rehash of everything that's come before it.

John Waters looks like he's about to commit a sex crime.

Al Gore could do a lot worse than to make a film about Sheen's meltdown.  In fact, he has.

I share that sentiment Keith.  And this embarrassingly lame "canceraids" thing is making a run for second place in Things That Should Have Stayed In The Past.

The hammer is my penis, you've stolen my otherwise heterosexual heart.

No, no.  This was no mirror.  This was an act of one Jennifer Garner, sweet girl next door turned violent writer-punching vigilante.  Her motive?  Jennifer Garner.  I rest my case.

This is the best way of describing MTV, yes.

I never cared for the Dr Denton one, I think because the show was still ambivalent with its niche. The Shrine episode, I did like, but not without the criticism from the above.  So I guess it's mostly that I don't like Westerns, or gimmick posters without any finesse.

They shouldn't even have a present.

Man it seems like nobody noticed that Suzie & Larry exchange, I thought that was priceless.

Absolutely, this guy is amazing.  I'm impressed the AVC got him, talk about big leagues.

In theater, it was Braveheart for me, and I had to sneak in with a friend.  The first one I didn't have to sneak into was The Matrix. Still kind of baffling that it was rated R.  Out of theaters, I think I saw Terminator on VHS when I was eight.

I'm going to be honest, this is three times funnier than whatever garbage I thought up on my own.  Now, I won't steal it, but I probably will lie to friends to both claim credit and to cook up some story that never happened.  Heh.  Internet.