
I am so proud that this happened during my lifetime. Thank you, Blogger Guy. Thank you.

AMC has the disadvantage of owning some impressive IP, for television, but having none of the experience of the major networks and their legendary one-time lineups. Fox pulls this all the time but they (unfortunately) know how soon they need to rein in a show, where AMC seems to fumble around with the same decision.

And likewise
She should drop out of the internet.

Study Wastes Time, Money
I wonder how many of these readers went, and actually enjoyed going, to college. A lot of people live their lives with this classroom mentality, and a lot of people read merely to say they've read. Somehow I think this study has skipped a few critical factors, like insecurity and social

They couldn't think of ANY more likely an ad campaign to parody? I mean, damn.

Looks like they're doing at least some of the arcs from the comic, as that seemed to be Hershel and Maggie at the farm. Not sure what happens to Carl though, maybe they'll put Otis in there too.

Maybe Dan Harmon can take Community in this new, brilliant direction.

I can't blame him
Being paid millions to drink and screw barflies has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world.

No History of the World?
Granted it was a sort of fourth-wall preview end of the movie, but Hitler On Ice was epic enough for a mention here, especially if Downfall gets a mention.

But they'll think the murderer was you, your name is on the stapler.

Growing Manchild Surprises No One
"no fear, no respect for authority, and no respect for boundaries" sounds like "Desperate for attention, love, and money" coming from that little skidmark.

Casting Tape
A lot of us saw it, it was uninspired and trite.

"The executive producers of the late HBO series Rome are behind the deal" this is all I needed to read. I might as well send HBO the contract to my soul.

I'd like to add my voice to this request. How is Bubbles?! I need to know!

There's plenty of history to be discerned from the Bible. Like the vast majority of historically significant texts, there are also parts that aren't veritable whatsoever.

Even for the more recent climate of Hollywood, this is pretty banal.

I love the US version (and the UK version was a masterpiece), but I think Gervais's readers are too sensitive. He didn't insult it, he said he got out early because he didn't want the money to contaminate the expression - perfectly valid, and his own choice. If people infer that he meant the US version is getting

She's my best friend (I'm not her best friend).

If it's one thing I'm more tired of than uninformative teasers, it's trying to find an end to this comparative.

[Citation needed]