
The same reason they took the name Camelot; they're riding a common grounds myth for a jumping off point. The formula is there for them to either modify or reinforce, and derived from that, their critics will laud or bemoan their choices. "Young sexy Merlin, how risque and youth-oriented," can be read with rolling

New cular Cuber alert. X-Men Assembler!

Pretty good list but I don't think it's as important for users to make up their own lists as they might think. Oh, also Lost was terrible.

This is some interesting stuff, I like the article. If anything's missing, it's the acknowledgment of constant, exaggerated aping around on camera - one of the myriad signs that most of these shows appear to have been fueled by money and cocaine. Just try to find a 70s campy superhero show that doesn't contain at

Yeah well it still beat Perfect Couples and the Cape. It did not, however, beat the Sister Act soundtrack, which was almost always within my reach and didn't have commercials to deal with.

holding out for the beav.
This makes it even harder to understand why we don't yet have a green light for Justice Beaver.

This is a nation that was nearly traumatized by an untoward, exposed breast during a Superbowl halftime show. Whatever strides NBC and Comcast might have in mind, they will have to obey this precedent.

Yeah they ought to have tried this earlier, when it was currently being overdone. And conceptually the idea of a movie for this literature is already a bad one.

And low-standards having nerds will inevitably make this disaster a box office success. They're paying Hollywood to do this, now.

Perfect Couples was the worst thing, except the Cape. They were both the worst thing.

I didn't see anything about Going Downtown. Was this intentional?

He should open this up to a class-action lawsuit, I'm sure there are a lot of us who have a bone to pick with Chuck Lorre. I'd also like to bone Denise Richards.

They touch their doodles together.

I rarely want the Office to take up an hour anymore these days (their story arcs just don't seem as important as the earlier seasons), but this episode could've used a lot more time. As hilarious as I found it, the whole show felt suspended from everything else in continuity. They could've woven it into the series

I thought we saw it in Nell. Did we not see it in Nell?

Please God, let this be Sharks on a Plane, 3D.

But the softcore porn is still okay, right?

Yep, they drained every last resource they had and eventually too many people had duplo guitars. Had to happen.

This photochop is priceless.

The Cape killed itself halfway through the pilot. You can't make television this bad and then hope to blame others when it gets canceled. I'm surprised they're even getting the ten slots, I'm sure there are some re-runs of SNL that haven't been dusted off in a while.