
The Office had a few positions in "Top Ten" over its run, you should check the wikipedia page if nothing else. This doesn't obscure your point in that part of the article, but it's still worth noting.

This episode was a masterpiece - and I don't even really like Community a lot. Normally I think it's okay, some hit and miss and not bad enough to cancel. AD&D was just, astounding.

It's too bad The Cape premiered in 2011, it could've pushed one of these shows off the list. If this were a list composed by awfulness, it could've pushed seven off the list.

Sean O'Neal has literally written the best closing to any journalism or journalism-esque article, in history.

They really had psychic scars in that episode?

Actually I figure it's less insulting that they don't pretend it's a big deal. Comic book death is its own definition, and it means not actual death.

I, too, would enjoy this.

This might be the spike in Tony Testa's fame.

No one will read this; not enough brevity, no clear GOOD/BAD outcome
Polarity is just sensationalism, contagious for people who want to align themselves unquestioningly to one camp or another. If you come up with some well-thought criticism with modest compliments, it's not sensational.

I'm already entertained and I haven't even bothered tuning in. I hope someone shows him what Jersey Shore is, and soon.

Baltimore was terrible long before The Wire; someone paying attention to them is just a run of bad luck I guess.

I must enter a title
He was supposed to be in it already; in Season 2, they cut his scene. It was after Michael got his condo. Ricky was apparently his neighbor.

Its release is about a month from HBO's launch of the series.

Office & Curb
I watch a lot of these shows, I guess I'm drawn to the Discomfort Comedy. Dinner Party, I think, is the most epic example. I've never been so torn between leaping out a window or watching for something to get worse, for 22 non-consecutive minutes.

Win some, lose some. Happens to all of us.

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