
Initially, I was lead to sympathize with Broderick, but  I'll agree that his lack of tact in diffusing the situation put a good bit of blame on his shoulders. I've had plenty of teachers like that, where you got the impression that they had an answer ready for the question they just asked the class, and you just wish

Whelp, time to unleash our latent comedy snobs (save a kudos for C.K.'s win).

Whelp, time to unleash our latent comedy snobs (save a kudos for C.K.'s win).

Considering how everyone jumped on the prophylactic symbolism in the last Flame Princess episode, I'm amazed nobody's touched on the relationship themes here. I loved the idea of Finn having to go get FP's stuff from the fire kingdom, almost like a new boyfriend picking up stuff from his girlfriend's ex. And that the

Considering how everyone jumped on the prophylactic symbolism in the last Flame Princess episode, I'm amazed nobody's touched on the relationship themes here. I loved the idea of Finn having to go get FP's stuff from the fire kingdom, almost like a new boyfriend picking up stuff from his girlfriend's ex. And that the

I should certainly hope not. Granted, they do seem to be pursuing romantic storylines nowadays, and as "Go with Me" established long ago, Marceline ain't havin' none of that. I figure when the writers have something the character can really sink her teeth into (eh?), then we'll be seeing her again.

I should certainly hope not. Granted, they do seem to be pursuing romantic storylines nowadays, and as "Go with Me" established long ago, Marceline ain't havin' none of that. I figure when the writers have something the character can really sink her teeth into (eh?), then we'll be seeing her again.

Will do.

Will do.

I thought the stuff in the vent dragged on a bit, but Tompkins brought everything roaring back.

I thought the stuff in the vent dragged on a bit, but Tompkins brought everything roaring back.

I'm kinda sad I missed my chance to catch up on Cronenberg on Netflix, and I don't recall seeing Naked Lunch or Videodrome on Hulu Plus.

I'm kinda sad I missed my chance to catch up on Cronenberg on Netflix, and I don't recall seeing Naked Lunch or Videodrome on Hulu Plus.

There've been a few FOC articles that I've genuinely found compelling, but I haven't read enough of them to get a consensus on the article. As for judging AV Club on the whole, I'll agree the site can seem pretty snobbish at times, but I'll take their opinion on music over the likes of Rolling Stone any day.

There've been a few FOC articles that I've genuinely found compelling, but I haven't read enough of them to get a consensus on the article. As for judging AV Club on the whole, I'll agree the site can seem pretty snobbish at times, but I'll take their opinion on music over the likes of Rolling Stone any day.

Parks and Recreation is my new Community, in that it's a critically adored show that I just can't seem to get into. Chalk it up to the first season being such a slog.

Parks and Recreation is my new Community, in that it's a critically adored show that I just can't seem to get into. Chalk it up to the first season being such a slog.

Parks and Recreation is my new Community, in that it's a critically adored show that I just can't seem to get into. Chalk it up to the first season being such a slog.

I can't tell if your being serious. This is honestly the first I've heard of SLP, and while it doesn't look bad, I'm not really seeing it as Oscar material. Have their been advanced screenings or festival buzz already?

I can't tell if your being serious. This is honestly the first I've heard of SLP, and while it doesn't look bad, I'm not really seeing it as Oscar material. Have their been advanced screenings or festival buzz already?