Who would win in an oil wrestling match: Santa Annie and Dia de los Muertos Annie vs. Christmas tree Britta and Magician's assistant Britta?
Who would win in an oil wrestling match: Santa Annie and Dia de los Muertos Annie vs. Christmas tree Britta and Magician's assistant Britta?
@avclub-6139121fbeb379a29f3152e2197d53fd:disqus I absolutely adored that scene. One of the most affecting character moments in a season full of them.
@avclub-6139121fbeb379a29f3152e2197d53fd:disqus I absolutely adored that scene. One of the most affecting character moments in a season full of them.
…The AV Club Community fan-base still might find a second life on Twitter. And I'll tell you why…
…The AV Club Community fan-base still might find a second life on Twitter. And I'll tell you why…
Community has rightfully been aligned with Arrested Development as a wonderfully rich and woefully under-appreciated comedy classic (and both shows only lasted 3 seasons in their original incarnations). However, I've always considered A.D. to be far more cartoonish than Community, if only because the humor in the…
Community has rightfully been aligned with Arrested Development as a wonderfully rich and woefully under-appreciated comedy classic (and both shows only lasted 3 seasons in their original incarnations). However, I've always considered A.D. to be far more cartoonish than Community, if only because the humor in the…
Or that it could make a speech about the most simple and trite of morals actually resonate and pack an emotional punch.
Or that it could make a speech about the most simple and trite of morals actually resonate and pack an emotional punch.
Wow, she actually wrote two of my all time favorite episodes (Redux and Calligraphy). Maybe there is hope after all.
Wow, she actually wrote two of my all time favorite episodes (Redux and Calligraphy). Maybe there is hope after all.
@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus I feel like David Spade gets a bad rap, especially since I saw his stand-up special.
@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus I feel like David Spade gets a bad rap, especially since I saw his stand-up special.
I thought the hallway scene with Evil Abed did a nice job of ramping down his imposing factor and making his evil seem more comical. So when he showed up with the surgical saw, it came off more as goofy than out-of-place (consider we're talking about a guy who crabwalks home from school).
I thought the hallway scene with Evil Abed did a nice job of ramping down his imposing factor and making his evil seem more comical. So when he showed up with the surgical saw, it came off more as goofy than out-of-place (consider we're talking about a guy who crabwalks home from school).
I always thought Ocean's Thirteen was vastly underrated.
I always thought Ocean's Thirteen was vastly underrated.
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I've been reading Hayao Miyazaki's Starting Points, and he actually describes a lot of those same problems going into many of his productions. Granted, I don't foresee NBC taking any notes from Ghibli anytime soon, but here's to hoping.
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I've been reading Hayao Miyazaki's Starting Points, and he actually describes a lot of those same problems going into many of his productions. Granted, I don't foresee NBC taking any notes from Ghibli anytime soon, but here's to hoping.
I can't believe I missed that scene! I looked away for the brief second that the Google screen was up, and by the time I looked back I couldn't process what I was seeing.