
the Aimee Mann reference. Can somebody help me out?

Speaking of mimes…
I have sent this request to the A.V. Club a couple of times with no response, I can only assume because everyone is stumped because I just dreamed it or something. I've been looking for an opportunity to throw this one out here, so here goes:

In order for a movie to be a MYOF entry, I personally have to have fucking heard of it. The great mretrain has spoken.

New rule
In order to be a MYOF

Yeah, I can see that, but I always thought her 70's shag was a little anachronistic for a show that took place in the late 50's or early 60's.

I don't get why they drag her along with them because she just doesn't fit in with the others' styles of comedy. With the others, you get the feeling when you're watching their acts that they're talking to you the same way they would talk to their buds when they're trying to make them laugh. Bamford has her funny

I was more taken with Pinky Tuscadero's gams. I had the hots for her when I was a little kid and Happy Days was still on its original run. She always wore pants, though, so I had no idea she had such nice legs.

Jonathan Brandis is way dead. He killed himself at age (get this) 27. Add him to the long list of famous and semi-famous people who died at 27.

Piece of Cake
I agree with you, flower power, Piece of Cake would've been a much better choice. Mudhoney's major label debut gets no respect, but it's always been one of my favorite albums of theirs. It ranks up there with EGBDF in my book.

National Treasure
was neither good nor bad, just silly, escapist entertainment. The major thing it had going for it was that it had the right attitude, which was to revel in its own ludicrousness. There are definitely worse ways to kill a couple of hours.

A little more perspective
Your parents were right, Craig. About Schmidt sucked. I saw it in a theater packed with idiots who erupted with riotous laughter every time Nicholson said, "Dear Ndugu…" Hilarious. Plus, Kathy Bates is naked in it, and that's just not right.

Speaking of those retarded open toe shoes…
Halle Berry holds the distinction of being the first woman I ever saw wear rings on her toes, in "The Rich Man's Wife" (which holds the distinction of being the worst movie I ever paid money to see in a movie theater).

Thank you
for being straight up about Halle Berry's non-actiosity. Is she perhaps the non-acting-est Oscar winner of all time? It's difficult, her being the first African-American winner of an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role and all, but let's face it: she sucks.

I think Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie were actually fucking. If not, then they do a better job of faking than those dimbulbs in Skinemax movies. Acting!