Chuck Schick

Anne Hathaway should be in 3-D.  3D is my apartment number.  ZING!!

your children well?

your children well?

Lovin' Spoonful

Lovin' Spoonful

You KNOW this man got more tail than God in the 80's

No, "Inside the NFL"

It's spelled Merrill

He fought the devil in the bottle

We want our guests to feel welcome!

GOD I wanted to bone Donna Mills back in the 80s

And Phil seemed a bit too happy to see the guy that deflowered his daughter.


And you did it in one take!


And one's that eat their own foot.

He did try to play it cool though, and leave AD till the end.

I watched that movie and it changed my life.  After I watched it again, it changed back.

You did not.

Racquel Welch should be in 3-D.  3-D is my apartment number.