
The most satisfying thing on the internet is when your vote changes the community grade on one of these show reviews. My A- brought this up to a B!

As someone who doesn't read the books, I hope he never finishes and the show catches up to wherever he is in writing. Because I imagine whenever his new book comes out, there will be spoilers all over the place.

There's no video, so this didn't happen.

It's time for Edith to leave. She's always been a bit creepy, but this season they turned her into a complete disaster. Her storyline is just a horrible thing dragging down the entire show. I've had enough of how they torture her on this show. Bates the Murderer is another plot that probably won't go anywhere, but it

Now Deangelo was "quietly stunning" - what's with how obsessive everyone gets over this guy?

Hannibal Buress is so freakin' hilarious but I can't figure out why. He doesn't really say many funny things, but it's like everything out of his mouth is hysterical anyway.

Lately? Does the last 15-20 years count as lately?

Also I like how Kanye and Kim try to pretend they didn't name their kid "North" by calling her "Nori" for some reason.

Here's the thing: How is this directing? My friend showed me this same video he filmed on his iphone with his daughter.

Why does everyone pile on Scientology while Catholics and Muslims and all the rest get a pass? They're just as batshit crazy and for a much longer time. At least nobody has ever started a holy war in the name of L Ron Hubbard.

This trailer gives me two thoughts: 1. Oh great yet another origins movie, so we already know what's going to happen for the first 45 minutes. 2. I'm tired of a looking at Kate Mara's stupid face.

This was a weird article.

That's a stretch. They barely, sorta sound similar.

I just hope in season 2 that Billy Campbell uses his outdoor voice instead of whispering all of his stupid lines.

What the fuck is wrong with Miss Bunting? That lady is just a complete asshole. On what planet do you treat people like that?

I agree, it was just plain weird to center an entire episode around the guy who got rich from PayPal.

Turns out I do not like country music or country music comedy.

I guess Kid Rock deleted the tweet, it's not on his feed anymore. That's such a weird thing to say to someone. What's the insult part? I can't figure it out. Like, how embarrassing for you, an adult man who happened to be your uncle molested you as a child so I'm going to make fun of it and try to make you feel guilty

Not only is Billy Campbell as "appealing as wet cardboard" and he doesn't have chemistry with anyone (both good points), why does he whisper all of his lines? Does he have an issue with his vocal chords? It's really annoying and I think that's why it seems like horrible acting.

Hmm, that looks surprisingly disappointing. Maybe it was the horrible music.