
Good point, why do shows insist on bringing back contestants who have already been eliminated? I don't like that feature, yet I'm always interested in watching it to see who's returning. So I guess I do like that feature maybe. And I sort of answered my own question. TV!

A? Slow down, AV Club. There's a lot of crap mixed in with some good songs. More like a B.

A? Slow down, AV Club. There's a lot of crap mixed in with some good songs. More like a B.

I guess I'm so bored with this show that I can't appreciate the positive aspects the reviewer brought up. I liked Russell's parts, that's about it. Tara is not a good stripper. Everything about her is awful.

I guess I'm so bored with this show that I can't appreciate the positive aspects the reviewer brought up. I liked Russell's parts, that's about it. Tara is not a good stripper. Everything about her is awful.

Meanwhile, Dish and AMC aren't even talking to each other.

Meanwhile, Dish and AMC aren't even talking to each other.

Interesting how the reviewer thought this week was entertaining, while I found it unusually boring. One highlight: when they revealed Paula Deen and everyone is squealing and then they show Christine as she pleads, "Who is it??" Haha she's "blind" sort of.

Interesting how the reviewer thought this week was entertaining, while I found it unusually boring. One highlight: when they revealed Paula Deen and everyone is squealing and then they show Christine as she pleads, "Who is it??" Haha she's "blind" sort of.

Interesting, you used the wrong Benicio del Toro performance in this article. The ultimate mushmouth performance that all others should be measured against.  Ker-blam!

Interesting, you used the wrong Benicio del Toro performance in this article. The ultimate mushmouth performance that all others should be measured against.  Ker-blam!

I'm glad this show is back, but I'm pissed at AMC and Dish for forcing me to wait and pay for it on iTunes the next day. And also I forgot about this reviewer who I don't enjoy. Everything is so freshman essay style with her. Despite all that, great start to the season!

I'm glad this show is back, but I'm pissed at AMC and Dish for forcing me to wait and pay for it on iTunes the next day. And also I forgot about this reviewer who I don't enjoy. Everything is so freshman essay style with her. Despite all that, great start to the season!

I think I have to agree with Salman Rushdie there.

I think I have to agree with Salman Rushdie there.

I think smearing pastes and creams on my plate under the food is the worst thing they do at fancy restaurants. Like what Graham did under his rabbit. Who started this trend and why do all chefs think it's fancy? It looks really unappetizing. Like someone stuck their finger in some gravy and wiped it on my plate.

I think smearing pastes and creams on my plate under the food is the worst thing they do at fancy restaurants. Like what Graham did under his rabbit. Who started this trend and why do all chefs think it's fancy? It looks really unappetizing. Like someone stuck their finger in some gravy and wiped it on my plate.

I believe it is a tampon. Grooossss.

I believe it is a tampon. Grooossss.

I still don't know what the fuck a triffle is.