
Maybe Lisa can calm down now. This show really wasn't good for her health. Or maybe she's just like that all the time. Shudder.

I can't sit through 5 minutes of this crapfest. But Hollie rulez!

This was one of the worst episodes ever. Just completely failed on every level. Nothing was funny, nothing was interesting, nothing really helped the storylines progress. Just bland filler until Barney finally breaks up with the most asexual stripper of all time, and Marshall has a baby, and then something happens

I agree, usually House + Wilson = great episode. But for some reason it just seemed boring to me, and sort of gross. Maybe it just felt too forced, like there are only a few episodes left so let's write something deep about their relationship. Or maybe I'm just ready for this show to end.

I will miss Dayana. She was beautiful and charming. I didn't expect that from a Miss Universe contestant — actually, that's what they're bred for so I totally should have expected that. Anyway, I'll miss her.

Wait, Paul McCartney? Jon Hamm as David Brinkley? It sounds like the East Coast got a better live version than us on the West Coast. That's bullshit. We got the mayor of Glendale, a fucking Kardashian.

Wait, Paul McCartney? Jon Hamm as David Brinkley? It sounds like the East Coast got a better live version than us on the West Coast. That's bullshit. We got the mayor of Glendale, a fucking Kardashian.

So Leslie can't win this election, right? Otherwise the show will no longer be "Parks and Recreation" since the main character would be working somewhere else. This is a pointless story-line, although it's been kinda fun despite the two awful relationships it's given us (Tom and Ann, Leslie and Ben).

Yes! Perd Hapley is the unsung hero of Parks and Recreation! Every episode he appears in is ratcheted up a notch.

This might have been the best episode of the season. It was so absurd and random and I had to pause the DVR a couple of times from laughing so hard. Good job, Office! — Although I disagree about the beginning. That Ryan thing was lame. It was all very forced and felt artificial.


Haha the "spoiler-free review" is nothing but spoilers! Way to go.

Here's an awesome idea: let's take this great offbeat show with original characters and smart writing, and ruin it by making them super dull stock characters stuck in boring relationships. Because we've never seen that before. Let's stick the best character, Schmidt, in a boring relationship with the most boring and

Did the show really compare Whitney Houston's death to Princess Diana's? That was absurd. Diana was at her height of popularity, Whitney had been dead for at least 10 years already.

I live in Los Angeles!

Peggy can't be taken seriously as long as she continues to go with the name Peggy. It's science. Women in the workplace with little girl names aren't respected. Look it up.

What, how can you mention Airplane and Not Another Teen Movie in the same sentence? It goes 1. Airplane, 2. Top Secret and Teen Movie would be way down the list with the rest of the copycat movies.

I'm sure somebody has already said this, but I don't want to read all the comments so I'll say it again: the Trump brand is all about pompousness and arrogance, so "You earned it" is the perfect slogan. Of course it is. It sounds EXACTLY like something Trump would think as he peels a banana or bangs another Miss

This show needs more Joffrey! And dragons, bring on the dragons already! And the smoke monster from Lost is a new twist I might enjoy. Looking forward to that. The show is at its best when it's not focused on all those random characters who want to be king or go to war, or whatever they're all babbling about.

I'm pretty sure "malapropism" doesn't mean what you think it means. Damn, I wish I was here in 2009 to point that out to this writer.