
I'm a little surprised by the reviewers take on this episode, I thought it was pretty clear from the start that Judah was harmless, hence the anticlimax end scene with the herb garden. The plot wasn't really supposed to be about him, it was about Lena's need to create excitement in her otherwise dull life, hence the

Your post just wrinkled my brain, thank you.

This was the most I've laughed loudly and giddily at an episode of Community in quite some time.

Fun episode, loved seeing Olivia acting with some real agency again, even if she had to resort to some dark tactics to get shit done. I'm loving Portia de Rossi on this season and hoping we see more of Artemis. It was great having Lisa Kudrow on last season, even if her arc ended a little abruptly, so who knows how

With her short hair and conservative politics I was getting major Lindsay Bluth at the end of season 4 vibes, like an alternative universe Lindsay where she's a bajillion times more capable. I hope we get a ton more Portia de Rossi this season.

Lena's adventure with Stacey in the neighbor's house was the highlight for me, overall a great episode though. The ratings don't look too good for this show or You're the Worst. I hope they aren't cancelled, I'm getting used to having 'em around.

I personally think 30 Rock's rate of landing jokes is much higher than 1 in 10, it's one of my favorite shows ever, I just liked the idea of both a show and a person being the equivalent of machine guns but with jokes.

He was essentially the 30 Rock of comedians in that way, a pretty neat trick.

To Venus and Back is the overlooked middle child of the Tori Amos discography, and it's a damn shame. It's dark but doesn't take itself too seriously, and coming in at just 11 tracks, is far from bloated with filler, unlike the albums to follow. And Spring Haze is the bomb.

And yet he seems to know his way around a ladyboy, so to speak…

The real question is, can't it be both at the same time?

I enjoyed that the "universal" translator just happened to show up in the same episode that we got a star trek alum back visiting the show, seemed appropriate.

Eh, I still liked HoD more, the concept behind BHA was fun but I just couldn't bring myself to give a damn about Troy and Britta's relationship so the episode felt hollow to me. But BHA is still better than most of S4.

To be fair, the Sophie B. Hawkins episode is actually pretty well liked around these parts, you're not alone in your affection for it. The rest of S4 on the other hand…

A, might be my favorite of the season so far.

The bearded fellow at the very end of the episode sounded an awful lot like Dan Harmon.

I'm loving how intricately plotted this show is, it might suffer a little bit on the characterization side of things but just seeing what craziness this show comes up with each week is great.

How did I miss this?!?!?

"Lifting Up the Skirt of the Night" is pure gold.

True, but I now have the desire to refer to my S.O. as my manfriend just to see how people react.