
Are you with me Sgt. Wu?
Are you really just a cop
Who has a gun that don't shoot glue?
Are you Wesen, will you die
Or just an ordinary guy?
Portland's streets are like a zoo
Are you with me Sergeant?

Are you with me Sgt. Wu?
Are you really just a cop
Who has a gun that don't shoot glue?
Are you Wesen, will you die
Or just an ordinary guy?
Portland's streets are like a zoo
Are you with me Sergeant?

What's Fred Willard's favorite American League team? The Yanks.
What's Fred Willard's favorite National League team? The Expos. Er, the Nationals. Dammit.

What's Fred Willard's favorite American League team? The Yanks.
What's Fred Willard's favorite National League team? The Expos. Er, the Nationals. Dammit.

Yup, me too. That's the thanks I get for buying all of the prior DVDs as they came out.

Yup, me too. That's the thanks I get for buying all of the prior DVDs as they came out.

dot com!

This was always what I liked so much about Scrubs, too. Not that it didn't have it's problems, but it displayed huge dynamic range in 22 minutes.

I'm trying desperately to work with Phillips and head and screw…and failing miserably. But I'm enjoying the mental picture…

I was hoping against hope to see the much-discussed areolae…

Good one!

But it's so much more realistic this way. It used to be that Wu was the only uniformed cop on the entire Portland police force; now we know there are, in fact, two, with shifts last for weeks and weeks at a time!

As big a fan as I am of CBB, I will agree that it's too long for my liking. But like improvisational music, sometimes it takes some noodling around before something starts to gel. Sometimes it never does. But when it does, this show is funny as hell.

Ha ha, velly funny honorable T-bone-san!

Aw, c'mon - the "Luke" vs. "look" thing turned golden when it morphed into "Juan's my name - No it's not!"

It never occurred to me at the time but you may well be right. I assumed Helen's denial of having spoken to Eli was just to avoid revisiting the content of the conversation.

Agreed on 'Case of You' - the only acceptable cover of that song is by Diana Krall.

Maybe if we stick around and keep eating the garlic bread they'll have to reopen the kitchen?

Likewise (no chat entry ability, not the dead wife)

No problemo
I had a few petty annoyances (and whined about them here over the past couple of days) but on the whole nothing rose to the level of disappointment or was particularly problematic.