
Law-Abiding Loup Garou…

Yeah, Lakeside Mall. Whatup, New Orleans.

oh dear
such an amazing vocal range wasted on music like hers, i just don't know…
at least she can laugh at herself, or her minions can convince her to pretend she can. Good minions, those.

Oh Man
that was the funniest hater entry in a while. I'm sitting in the library and when I laughed just now a bunch of people turned to look. Congrats, Amelie, your humor is humor-y enough to disrupt the studing of a few dozen college students (who, much like the Face of Independent Film, haven't slept in a while).

right, jer?
Real Genius? Intentionally or no? hmm.

Flight of Dragons
Oh man, am I glad to see this one confirmed. I watched this repeatedly at my dad's house as a little kid, and remember it well but assumed it was some wierd thing only I saw. My friends certainly never watched it… which is the only reason why i'm the only one of my friends who knew the word "craw" as

can we ditch…
"last time I checked…"
This phrase was nice while it lasted but now needs its own little appartment with scheduled meal times, daily nurse checks, and frequent guilt-ridden visits by family and friends who nontheless refuse to take it on outings.

i got better!

my brain…
she 'splode.

Another great one…
Anyone who has lived in or around New Orleans and tuned into public television on Christmas has seen what has to be one of the world's trippiest uses of a video camera or puppetry. The North Pole Nutrias features local N.O. color Al Scramuzza and Miss Pussycat (his daughter?), a collection of nutria