Well, in Brick's defense, a small-town Indiana library probably doesn't carry the kind of scholarly journals he reads. Maybe if the Hecks moved to Bloomington…
Well, in Brick's defense, a small-town Indiana library probably doesn't carry the kind of scholarly journals he reads. Maybe if the Hecks moved to Bloomington…
I saw a news item where one of the Phelps women was singing an Ozzy tune… so the WBC must be into metal.
True, Overthinker, but it would explain why Bajor had a sudden spike in energy needs, when the more populated hemisphere entered winter.
Yes, Dr. D, I remember that when it happened. Understandable, but very sad, one of those things that casts a pall on one's childhood in retrospect. (And I have now given away my age…)
Damn, Richelieu, I was hoping to sleep tonight. Now you put that picture of a naked Ayn Rand in my head, I'll just have nightmares.
The map in Lord of the Rings was a major help for appreciating the novel. Not sure whether a map of Bajor would have done that much for DS9, though. Guess we'll never know.
"You shore do have a purty pagh! Squeal like a targ fer me!"
Kitten's whiskers? So that explains why Worf was afraid of me in TNG.
What a coincidence… I had a crush on Julie Newmar. I think it was her tight black rubber suit. MMM.. Julie Newmar.
Buzz is the new Beastie Boy!
Janeway: "You killed Kimmy! You bastards!"
SPOILERS: We see New Orleans later in DS9.
Yes, that's one of the things about church that bites.
But not his accent…
This sounds like one of my weirdest nightmares… except for the Monkees performing.
I would almost agree with this, except that I read the book so I could see what the colossal douchebags were ranting about. I would say the people who read that piece of crap and take it as scripture are colossal douchebags.
Elrond had to be a dick because he was played by Hugo Weaving. Hugo does a great job at playing a dick.
Agree completely. The books were fine as books, but Jackson's changes had to be made for the films to work.
I watched it just for the Laura San Giacomo parts. Something about her really turned me on.