
I don't think it is a cop out, just a little more obvious than we are used to with this show. The biggest stretch is that Walt would let his ego overcome his caution by keeping the book.

I don't think it is a cop out, just a little more obvious than we are used to with this show. The biggest stretch is that Walt would let his ego overcome his caution by keeping the book.

Good point. Definitely not a coincidence, given this show.

Good point. Definitely not a coincidence, given this show.

Yes, very stupid. One thing this show has never done is put out a definite plot development and then come and undo it. No people we thought were dead coming back to life (Beneke is as close as they have come). No people we thought were shot actually being not shot. Think of Gale being shot in the fade to black.

Yes, very stupid. One thing this show has never done is put out a definite plot development and then come and undo it. No people we thought were dead coming back to life (Beneke is as close as they have come). No people we thought were shot actually being not shot. Think of Gale being shot in the fade to black.

So Hank knows, and the question is how will Walt find out Hank knows? It would seem Hank will be very hesitant to let the kids go back to Walt's house now that he knows, and this may tip off Walt.

So Hank knows, and the question is how will Walt find out Hank knows? It would seem Hank will be very hesitant to let the kids go back to Walt's house now that he knows, and this may tip off Walt.

Scene at cancer clinic was not a flashback.

Scene at cancer clinic was not a flashback.

The book has been around since Gail was alive. As soon as I saw it featured this season, I thought it would have something incriminating in it.

The book has been around since Gail was alive. As soon as I saw it featured this season, I thought it would have something incriminating in it.

First flashback I recall seeing of a previous episode to explainable plot development.

First flashback I recall seeing of a previous episode to explainable plot development.

I thought she did not overact nearly as bad as with Mike in the diner.

I thought she did not overact nearly as bad as with Mike in the diner.

Agree, and how does Hank get the book out of the house without Walt noticing it?

Agree, and how does Hank get the book out of the house without Walt noticing it?

Good to see Hank posing for a picture with the softball team he was soliciting for in the prior episode.

Good to see Hank posing for a picture with the softball team he was soliciting for in the prior episode.