
Fighting over a dildo - just another Friday night for my wife and her girlfriend.

Them's the brakes.

It’s also very rewatchable, which I think is an underrated quality in a show. 

Now that you bring it up, I think a WK2-based truck would look pretty dang slick. 

Once again demonstrating that Cecile is the best character on the show by a country mile.

You’re right, that would be pretty great! 

Praise be unto number!

A script she would have doubtlessly gone and punched up on the side, no less!

You can get real creative, too!

Nice decorum policing there. 

F-420 with a 6.9 liter engine.

But doctor, I AM the asshole!


Tony Romo is a SON OF A BITCH

The cow also turns into delicious meat.

Also all those nut milks require tremendous amounts of water to refine and process since, you know, they're nuts. 

The post-credits scene where she ingests a dram of poison on live TV is fucking grim.

You’re welcome: